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Bug/Issue Can't Leave The House

Discussion in 'Support' started by skymessenger, Jan 6, 2018.

  1. skymessenger

    skymessenger Space Hobo

    I was in the mines and died on floor 82. I didn't want to lose valuable stuff in my inventory or the progress I made progressing the floors so I turned off my Switch. Then I waited a moment before turning it back on and reloading my save file. This method worked once before so I assumed things would be ok.
    However I loaded the file and something was off. The fireplace in my house was gone and so was the entrance. My character cannot leave the house at all, she is stuck inside. I went to bed to see if anything changed but nothing happened.

    I know I made a mistake in the mine with resetting but I didn't think this would happen! My character can't leave the house or do anything other than sleep. And I was getting really far in my community center bundles so it'd suck to restart the game again.

    What should I do?
    • Pathoschild

      Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

      It sounds like you may have corrupted your save file. Unfortunately it's not possible to recover saves on the Switch. :(

      (For future reference: you won't lose your progress in the mines if you collapse, though you'll lose some money and potentially some items.)

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