Can't find Clay

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by <<-BlitZ->>, Oct 16, 2018.

  1. <<-BlitZ->>

    <<-BlitZ->> Space Hobo

    I need clay to build a silo, so I went into the mine to find geodes. Clay is almost never in the geode after I process it. Is there a way to get clay faster?
    • Hakuna Matata

      Hakuna Matata Big Damn Hero

      The dig spots often give you clay, do you dig those up?
      • BentFX

        BentFX Cosmic Narwhal

        Hoeing dirt on the farm, in the mines, at the beach and around the Carpenter's Shop are my go to's when I need a couple more clay for my silo. It's random. Artifact spots will randomly give up clay... so will just about anywhere else you can hoe.
        • <<-BlitZ->>

          <<-BlitZ->> Space Hobo

          Thanks guys, I have clay and built the silo :D

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