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Cant equip slime charmer ring

Discussion in 'Support' started by HaHa-Harley2016, Dec 23, 2017.

  1. HaHa-Harley2016

    HaHa-Harley2016 Space Hobo

    I have the glow ring and magnet ring. They're equipped just fine. I try to replace one of the rings with the slime ring, and it womt equip. I dont know how many times ive mobed everything out, and back again but i want to use my slime ring. Please help. Xbox one.
    • Pathoschild

      Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

      @HaHa-Harley2016 Does it work if you unequip one of your rings, then put the slime ring in the empty slot?
      • HaHa-Harley2016

        HaHa-Harley2016 Space Hobo

        No thats what i have been trying to do. I can take the 2 rings i have off put them in a storage box and yet still cant equip the slime ring...
        • Schleprock

          Schleprock Space Hobo

          Did you get it from item spawn? If so you won’t be able to get it until you slay 1000 slimes as per the adventure guild. Even if you have items, they cannot be used till you pass the requirements to use em. Hope that helps

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