I don't like the racial bonuses being bound to armour, there should be specific racial traits for each race that confer a decent bonus but for specific situations. Apex - ??? Avian - no fall damage/slow fall (they hold their wings out) Floran - health regen in surface daytime or in water (can still drown though) Glitch - immune to poison/disease Human - ??? Hylotl - can breath underwater, period. Novakid - self-illumination (akin to a torch radius) I don't see why this can't be the case. So hylolt can go to an ocean planet earlier, or novakids don't spend resources on torches...not exactly game-breaking stuff, here. The game isn't competitive in that way.
+1, kinda disappointed by Glitch taking damage from Radiation, no oxygen, toxins and flames Human could get +6% Critical hit chance Apex could get: Either food would last 100% longer or they could be able to climb trees ? It would also re-distribute players, so each player could go with their favorite playing style ? Wana be tank ? Go glitch Want to be best explorer ? go Novakid