REQUEST Cannabis growing mod

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Temat, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. Axelius

    Axelius Tentacle Wrangler

  2. msaturn

    msaturn Void-Bound Voyager

    Waking up in a pile of Doritos locos tacos wrappers mod soon to follow
    • BunnyBuns

      BunnyBuns Subatomic Cosmonaut

      I figured I'd post this here since same topic but apparently Sebastian bong was removed, this is an outrage dammit someone needs to mod it back!
        g0atcheez likes this.
      • taintedwheat

        taintedwheat Master Astronaut

        Lols, grow four types of cannabis crops - sativa, indica, hybrid of the two strains of weed; and hemp for resource use like a rope fence or fortify crops that uses trellises.

        Also, the price point on crops are depends on if you grow it outside (known as sun-grown) or in the greenhouse (indoor) [which is more expensive in RL too]

        Ugh, I just love dro and weed culture in general hahahaha
          Schwadu and BlushingCreep like this.
        • TheFool

          TheFool Astral Cartographer

          a mod to do just that is on the nexus.
          don't know if i can link it so just look for something like "sebastian's hobby restored" there.

          i think it's kind of a gray area on the forum so i'm not sure if it's posted here or not; i haven't seen it.
          nudity and nipples isn't acceptable on a forum for a 13+ crowd according to the staff, so i'm not sure if growing, using and selling pot or other drugs is going to fly or not given the varying degrees of legality surrounding it. could be seen as "promoting illegal activity to kids" if seen critically enough.

          nexus is probably safer for this kind of stuff but since action hasn't been taken yet maybe it's in the clear.
          • She Meows

            She Meows Subatomic Cosmonaut

            Sounds FUN! Maybe my husband will play the game then.
            Look at all these replies, high already lolol:lolwut:
              Schwadu and taintedwheat like this.
            • mizuizm

              mizuizm Seal Broken

              anyone working on it?
              • taintedwheat

                taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                Dunno, but you can get a pipe and bong in game by fox420, I currently have it, still need some pixels fixed though but it's cool to have!
                • Kernel32

                  Kernel32 Big Damn Hero

                  Dude you read my mind ^^
                  With adding some more hallucinogen mushroom and make some free party :rofl:
                  • taintedwheat

                    taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                    You know, I thought that scene where you drink the wizard's brew was hilarious for some reason. Hahah, I bet, somehow, it can be put in eventually or whatever that scene every time you eat one.

                    Mushroom tea, man.
                      RoastedCoconutz likes this.
                    • Saitofox

                      Saitofox Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      witht his you would have to make seb love the item aswell with custom text being like "this is the best thing you have ever given me"
                      • taintedwheat

                        taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                        .... And be able to make all sorts of different edibles.

                        It'd be cool because first you'd need to make a butter churner in the game first and just make more recipes ahhh
                          Schwadu likes this.
                        • alacazain

                          alacazain Void-Bound Voyager

                          Add so you can cook cristal meth xD make a meth farm, i wanna be walter white of star dew valley :p Use Pam as a crack whore :p
                          • WATERTHOOOOOSSEE

                            WATERTHOOOOOSSEE Phantasmal Quasar


                            This mod will also make you have a easier time making sebby love you
                              Schwadu likes this.
                            • sadlouie

                              sadlouie Void-Bound Voyager

                              I'm a pixel artist, I'll draw the weed plants if someone will mod them in. :mwahaha: I'm way too busy with work and also lazy to mess with even simple coding, though. I'd need someone willing to do that at least.
                              • mizuizm

                                mizuizm Seal Broken

                                yesss!!!! we're closer!!!!!!!! someone who knows how to code and can do it for this mod please??????
                                • sadlouie

                                  sadlouie Void-Bound Voyager

                                  :confirm: Just keep me updated, I'll check back every few days in case someone is interested in collaborating on the more technical side of things.

                                  • jtron

                                    jtron Space Hobo

                                    There's already "jazz flowers," I kinda figured that's what Sebastian was putting in his "vase" - I was planning to dedicate the greenhouse to them once I unlock it :D
                                    • Fox420

                                      Fox420 Pangalactic Porcupine

                                      I made a bong and pipe on my furniture mod in place of the obsidian vase and decorative bowl.
                                        RoastedCoconutz likes this.
                                      • Fox420

                                        Fox420 Pangalactic Porcupine

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