Buying Animal Products

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Kashmir, Dec 14, 2017.

  1. Kashmir

    Kashmir Giant Laser Beams

    We need to be able to buy animal products without having to raise them, I would love to have my new character be a produce animals. But you can't finish the achievements that way nor can you cook.
    Marnie has a farm, why can't you buy the stuff you need from her?
    Same goes with produce. You should be able to buy produce from Pierre.
      nekoCrimson likes this.
    • Honor Shipping

      Honor Shipping Big Damn Hero

      Ooh like RF4 after you buy the Orders that enable such things.

      I'd also like to not worry about animals. In other farming sims like Harvest Moon (Story of Seasons) and Rune Factory, I always forget I even have them... SoS always loves to remind me though (God I hate that cut-scene in Trio of Towns... I've buried so many cows).

      But I also feel like that's probably part of the purpose of the Traveling Cart, as unpredictable as it is in terms of stock. I have acquired all the products from fruit trees and animals needed to complete the bundles that require them, but I'm pretty sure that getting them all before the summer of Year Two is rather fast and not likely to happen again in any of my future files.

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