Hi, im trying modify a shop where you can only sell specifics objects, not all, is there any way to do it?, imagine i need sell a forbidden item, so this is the only place to do it. Thanks
Do you mean you would like to make a shop similar to--let's say--the Terramart? Or do you want to modify a specific (existing) shop's item list?
I want a shop where i can sell only specific items, not all, like a whitelist... For example, if i wanna sell erchius fuel, i have a fuel station where i only can sell this erchius fuel, but i cant sell food, or weapons... and of couse, i can buy erchius fuel there too.
Aah, so that would be more similar to the Terramart shipping container, where anything that isn't produce sells for zero. I don't know about preventing certain items from being sold, though. Hm...