Busty Anime Portrait v1.0 by Hellpanda Want anime portrait? Want busty portrait? What if you can have it both? How to install this mod - Copy .xnb files and place them in steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Content\Portraits - I recommend you to back up "Portraits" folder first - Be sure to place them in "Portraits" not "Characters" or anything - This version only change the sprite of Abigail, Haley, Leah, Maru, Maru_Hostipal and Penny only - Emily in W.i.p. Changelog v1.0 - Add busty version of Abigail, Haley, Leah, Maru, Maru_Hostipal and Penny - Fix hair color of Maru and Maru_Hospital Preview: Abigail Haley Leah Maru Penny Download (finally): http://www.mediafire.com/file/dmdzyvcp5i1lryo/Busty+Anime+Portrait+v1.0.zip Also try this mod: Busty Character Sprite by Hellpanda - Because busty portraits is not enough http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/busty-character-sprite-v2-0-by-hellpanda.131480/ Credit: This mod was editted from Toonyaza's Anime portraits mod by me Thanks for nice work there http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/mod-portraits-like-anime-style.107707/ If there are any problems, please comment below. Thanks for downloading Where's my cookie?
Sweet! I love what you did to Leah & Maru. The original Anime Portraits are great as they are, but THEN you came along & made them even better. The accompanying sprites are nice too. Can't wait to see your work on Emily! Kudos to you & Toonyoza for your excellent work!
OH MY GOD. Just what i'm looking for, + the sprite version. YOU DA REAL MVP MAN! Time to satisfy my needs. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)