Modding Discussion Burn and Pillage

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Commander Benny, Jun 18, 2014.


would you like this as a mod

  1. do it do it do it!

    20 vote(s)
  2. yyyyyyea- no. just... no.

    7 vote(s)
  1. Spacebeard the Pirate

    Spacebeard the Pirate Void-Bound Voyager

    Hopefully, I want to join the bad guys, I don't like being the good guy all the time.
  2. Relten

    Relten The Waste of Time

    It's good to be bad
  3. Commander Benny

    Commander Benny Phantasmal Quasar

    now even though I'm a good guy I like to know it's by choice. if I'm forced to do it helping people doesn't feel special.
    I'd love to, but I'm not a modder. my computers not good for much besides research and I don't even know how I'd get around to doing that. I'm just the idea man.
  4. MaxtheINFINITE

    MaxtheINFINITE Star Wrangler

    kalbian race be a bandit race
    if i'm gonna be a bandit
    i'm gonna collaborate with bandits
    make a goat army
    and kill everybody!?
    Relten likes this.
  5. Relten

    Relten The Waste of Time

    Nah comrade, here in Drozolian country, our ideas shall prevail through all...GLORY TO STIATOV!
  6. Commander Benny

    Commander Benny Phantasmal Quasar

    ...who the what now?
  7. Relten

    Relten The Waste of Time

    Custom races
  8. Spacebeard the Pirate

    Spacebeard the Pirate Void-Bound Voyager

    I used a custom race once and the next day was the apocalypse, don't use custom races kids.
    Relten likes this.
  9. MaxtheINFINITE

    MaxtheINFINITE Star Wrangler

    Simple,i'm a fan of the goats.
    I use the kalbian race alot in SB.
    If this mod lets you be the bad guy.
    What if the kalbians are bandits?
    'Goat bandits'

    P.S,kalbians is a race,they are goats.
  10. Relten

    Relten The Waste of Time

    Lol nothing bad happened to me... And I made my custom race :rofl:
    Hmm interesting anything else on the lore?
  11. Commander Benny

    Commander Benny Phantasmal Quasar

    well do you just use it or did you make it? if you made it then I can get your permission, but if not then you'd have to consult the race creator.
  12. Relten

    Relten The Waste of Time

    He didn't make it, but the real maker is BLW so permission is not THAT hard, on the flip side comrade I did make Drozolians
    And you can use them if you so choose :)
  13. Commander Benny

    Commander Benny Phantasmal Quasar

    Okay, so I have another idea revolving around factions. today we will be tackling races.

    The Glitch-

    The Empire: the vast conglomerate of kings and leaders who believe in the glory of the hive mind. why wouldn't they? after all it's given them power over entire planets and lives of luxury. they fight to keep the monarch society in place and also seek to eliminate those of their race ho have achieved free thought

    The Commoner's Revolt: though these glitch are still connected to the hive mind they have gained a slight bit of opinion. they are tired of serfdom and higher classes. they want democracy and equality for one and all... glitch. they do not openly hunt out the free glitch nor do they welcome them.

    The Enlightened: those few whom have minds of their own amongst a race of robots. far and few between they seek to unify under one banner and just be happy with their lives. Live somewhere they are welcome.

    The Humans-

    UMSC (or whatever the initials are): the standing military and acting leaders of humanity, at least until a large enough settlement comes along and they go back to democracy. they are a tight military force and equip there soldiers well. not to mention the pay.

    The Iron Fist: a cult in all honesty. These fanatics believe that humanity is the pinnacle of perfection amongst the other races. they may give charity and assistance to human colonies but aliens? Nothing good.

    The Floran-

    The Dark Canopy Clan: the largest of the floran tribes consisting of 1 1/2 solar systems. led by great chief Stab-Fang they seek out conquest. due to the whole 'unable to eat' thing in regards to glitch and novakid however, they'll leave them out of it.

    The Cherry Blossom Tribe: Those few Floran who want to live in peace with all. they take after the cherry blossom, and view it as a source of beauty, pacifism, and wisdom. that being said there still willing to rip out some innards to preserve their way of life.

    The Apex-:monkey:

    the miniknog: the current leading body of the apex. totalitarian leaders. they don't really care about anything outside of their race though.

    the resistance: more like small uncoordinated pockets of freedom fighters. they want the same things the commoners revolt wants. thusly they help each other out.

    The novakid-:fireball:

    The Iron-soul Railway Corporation: a union of wealthy glitch who want to "pave the galaxy with railways." (trade routes) they hire out large groups of mercenaries and provide funding for many novakid settlers.

    The Black-hole Bandits: the meanest and biggest of all novakid gangs. they have depleted multiple accounts within iron souls banks and continue to do so. risky work, but hey. pixels right?

    The Hylotl-:hylotl:

    The Nurete Buredo Shogunate: led by the last shogun of the hylotl, they seek revenge for the destruction of their homeworld at the hands of the floran, and will stop at nothing to get it. BONZAIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!:viking:

    The Lotus Clan: the refugees of the hylotl floran war who settle and defend more worlds every day, as well as lose them.

    The Avian-

    The lifted: those who believe in kluex viciously and,

    The grounded: those who don't

    The sky pirates: despite their occupation they're more treasure hunters then plunderers.

    Please reply with your honest opinions and ideas! any insight helps.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2015
    Spacebeard the Pirate likes this.
  14. Commander Benny

    Commander Benny Phantasmal Quasar

    also in regards to the whole integrating mod races thing, maybe somewhere along the line, but just not right now. sorry.
  15. Spacebeard the Pirate

    Spacebeard the Pirate Void-Bound Voyager

    Phew, one and half solar systems...damn that's a lot :cautious:

    But good ideas all around.
  16. Commander Benny

    Commander Benny Phantasmal Quasar

    well, keep in mind solar systems also have planets that simply cannot sustain life, and gas giants. plus florans probably haven't gotten much construction tech to reverse engineer, so in reality the cities on the ones they've got probably aren't too grand. and on starbound's scale, 1 1/2 solar systems can be explored in like an hour. but if it makes you feel any better, they'll be at the shogunates neck and vice versa.
  17. Commander Benny

    Commander Benny Phantasmal Quasar

  18. Relten

    Relten The Waste of Time

    Isn't the name for this group the miniknog?
  19. Commander Benny

    Commander Benny Phantasmal Quasar

    fixed it. thanks. I should know this but my computers bugged and I haven't been able to play starbound for what seems like a year.
  20. Commander Benny

    Commander Benny Phantasmal Quasar

    and this too.


    Put the following rooms into your ship. (Grouped by alignment)

    The Sanctuary- you are a true child of nature. you go to dying planets and bring back the creatures struggling to survive, then place them into a specially tuned bio dome of their appropriate habitat. (requires cruiser class ship or above)

    The Refuge- a small (or massive) Room that acts as a temporary home to the homeless. god knows what horrors these people have faced, but now your taking them off to a new, better life. (can be done at beginning)

    The Rec Room- who says you don't treat your crew now and then? this room is filled with a bunch of random garbage guaranteed to keep them entertained. (decreases wages, decreases chance of mutiny. requires ship level 2)

    The Allied Command Center- you've let your faction set up a small mobile base on your ship. (increases relation, provides small amounts of money now and then. requires ship level 3.)

    The Training Area- Recruits often will live to get better but this helps them survive their first encounter. (Can train a crew member to rank 2 in any profession at the cost of funds. requires ship level 3)

    Beam-trade Station- using warp technology you import and export goods directly from your ship. (provides trade, and ransom/selling of prisoners regardless of location. requires ship level 2.)

    Crew Quarters- space goes on forever, so it's nice having someone beside you. (enables crew. requires level 2.)

    Fighter Bay- Fly my pretties! fly and blow up all the things! (enables the use of tactical fighter ships. requires level 3.)

    Brig- for those more... hostile, of guests. (enables prisoners. can be done at beginning.)

    The Arena- Some people just want to see people duel each other to the death. so why not charge them for it? (enables the Gladiator option when selecting a prisoners function. gains money. gains negative relations with moral factions. requires level 3.)

    The interrogation room- a lovely place where the truth always comes forth. (Gains the interrogate option with npc's, which allows you to learn information about a faction or race. the process will decrease relation with the faction or race you learn of.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2015

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