WIP Burly Bachelors (WIP for Alex!) & Various Elliott Things

Discussion in 'Portraits' started by TehChich, Mar 13, 2016.


Who should I do next?

  1. Alex

  2. Harvey

  3. Sam

  4. Sebastian

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  1. TehChich

    TehChich Gotta Catch 'em All! Mk.2

  2. Marose

    Marose Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Omg I'm really liking this so far! Can't wait for the other bachelors! :)
    • TehChich

      TehChich Gotta Catch 'em All! Mk.2

      There's Elliott ^ u^
        Marose likes this.
      • TehChich

        TehChich Gotta Catch 'em All! Mk.2

        Okay, I hope I packed those right. ^^;
        • TehChich

          TehChich Gotta Catch 'em All! Mk.2

          Okay, I'm home and I decided before getting back to Elliott's sprites I should sketch my idea for Alex ^ u^ I hope a rugby player works~
            rhomboid and Marose like this.
          • korjamer

            korjamer Void-Bound Voyager

            YES YES YES YES This is everything I could have dreamed for in a mod! Keep up the great art! :proper:
            • Trifoilum

              Trifoilum Cosmic Narwhal

              There's already a bear/bearded Harvey mod so...maybe the others first?

                Last edited: Mar 14, 2016
              • miryuo

                miryuo Zero Gravity Genie

                can you give elliot new hair tho? the 70's beach hunk fantasy look is just sooo bad haha
                who's the guy on the right?
                • TehChich

                  TehChich Gotta Catch 'em All! Mk.2

                  I'm re-imagining them, so that's my version of Elliott ^^ I tried to include similar elements, like visually interesting hair, and clothes that might suit a writer, albeit a more modern, hipster-y one. The little bear beanie, though, just because I thought it'd be cute~
                    RoastedCoconutz likes this.
                  • miryuo

                    miryuo Zero Gravity Genie

                    oh right, I wasn't sure since elliot was also on the left (i was referring to that one hair-wise hehe)
                    the beanie is pretty cute yeah!
                    • TehChich

                      TehChich Gotta Catch 'em All! Mk.2

                      Maannn.....I'm feeling like changing the Elliott portrait a bit, because the sketches for the other guys came out way different and better looking >>;;;;
                      • lwkells

                        lwkells Void-Bound Voyager

                        Aaahh! I love this! I was already using the Harvey beard mod and loved it so this just taking all the bachelors to the next step :D
                        • stinatard

                          stinatard Space Hobo

                          Lumberjack Elliot is my dream! IM COUNTING ON YOU, GOOOD LUCK
                          • Drogean

                            Drogean Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                            this is bad ass

                            would love to see the blacksmith as a big bald guy with an eyepatch and beard
                              Marose likes this.
                            • TehChich

                              TehChich Gotta Catch 'em All! Mk.2

                              OKAY SO I haven't actually played the game yet and I just now booted it up for the first time to test Elliott and all I've done so far is talk to him and give him presents and plant tulips for him = u= Also yeah, he's finished and links are in the first post~
                              • miryuo

                                miryuo Zero Gravity Genie

                                hm, i think your other bearded elliot with beanie version was nicer dunno
                                • TehChich

                                  TehChich Gotta Catch 'em All! Mk.2

                                  Okay, included that one as an alt ^ u^~
                                    miryuo likes this.
                                  • Valkjosandi

                                    Valkjosandi Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                    Damn, these are great! Like wow! You have an amazing art-style! If you ever end up getting around to re-imagining the other villagers (which I know would be quite the project) so that they all share a similar art-style then this will probably be my favorite mod ever, lol. But still what you've made so far looks amazing! I almost regret picking Alex now hahaha. Can't wait to see what the end result will be once you're finished with it all! :DD

                                    Edit: Also a bit of an afterthought after viewing your sketches but do you perchance have any plans to maybe add different variants for each bachelor? So like a more heavy-set/bulkier build for Harvey and Sam compared to the slimmer ones in your sketches and a more slimmer build for the others compared to their more heavy-set/bulky ones? 'Cause it might be a cool little addition if you ever get around to it, no pressure though or anything I'm just being a tad overly-excited/enthusiastic thinking about all the different possibilities after seeing this bit of your work. Ahaha
                                      Last edited: Mar 15, 2016
                                    • miryuo

                                      miryuo Zero Gravity Genie

                                      just wait how alex will look after his treatment :D
                                      i have alex too..
                                      • korjamer

                                        korjamer Void-Bound Voyager

                                        I'm getting Bearded Elliot sprite when I download the Bear Elliot one, are they supposed to be the same? :O

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