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Bug with forgetting relationship

Discussion in 'Support' started by MInosTaurian, May 23, 2019.

  1. MInosTaurian

    MInosTaurian Master Chief

    Either give us an option to disable jealousy with your spouse or give us an option to remove the 'cold shoulder' if you choose to date more than one person at once.

    In every farm I like to make friends with everyone (which means maxing out the hearts before getting married). This is due to the jealousy your spouse shows.

    Problem is that if all the members of that gender (guy or girl) get max hearts, they will ignore you if you stumble in on that cutscene (the bar for the guys, Haley/Emily's house for the girls).

    No matter what I did that function would not turn off. I even tried making them "forget" about the relationship and that still didn't work.

    So I had to restart my ENTIRE save file as the game auto saves every time you go to bed.

    Another thing that'd be nice is the option to duplicate your save file from the menu (console versions especially). This would allow us to create back up saves (from earlier) which would have saved my game from this hazard.

    I don't know if making all the members of that gender (in this case the guys) forget about the relationship (zero hearts from witch's hut) is supposed to remove them doing the cold shoulder "Shane has a glazed look in his eyes and will not speak to you". If it is it didn't work on my Nintendo switch farm so I now am restarting my save file because there is also no backup save function. Please fix this issue soon.
    • Zosa

      Zosa Cosmic Narwhal

      if you keep a rabbit's foot in your inventory you won't get called out for dating every single datable person. if you were playing on pc i could have linked you to the no-jealousy mod but i cannot help on switch X''D
      • MInosTaurian

        MInosTaurian Master Chief

        Oh wow I didn't know a rabbits foot prevented that.
        • Zosa

          Zosa Cosmic Narwhal

          yeah, you get a slightly altered cutscene that way though you do have to commit to either losing a slot permanently because you have to keep the rabbit's foot or to just avoid those locations for as long as you maintain the max relationship with everyone
          • MInosTaurian

            MInosTaurian Master Chief

            I still wish that there was a way to make them talk to you when you make them forget the relationship though.
            • MouseyPounds

              MouseyPounds Cosmic Narwhal

              The "cold shoulder" thing only lasts for an in-game week if you didn't have the rabbit's foot when the event triggered. There's no permanent friendship loss and after that week, things go back to normal.

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