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Bug Thread:

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pastuleio, May 13, 2013.

  1. Burby

    Burby Phantasmal Quasar

    Yeah, I remember that happening in the demo as well. Did you stay right inside the vagrant as the watch was ticking down? You might be able to spot the targets better if you keep moving around while it's active, to check if it still happens.

    In fact, it might be useful for the unstable watch to have a visible timer as well. I know it pauses time for 10 seconds, but there's not much of a clear visible input aside from remembering its cooldown time (which I constantly forget). There are other active items that also have a timer appear above the player, I don't think it would be a bad idea to do the same to the unstable watch. (This is assuming it hasn't yet happened, since I haven't actually played any of the recent updates enough to even locate an unstable watch to try out myself)
    • Engio

      Engio Space Penguin Leader

      There were no targeting reticles for the vagrants projectiles (and I was indeed playing on normal) and they all exploded in place after time resumed. This was not like the cancellation of targeting when using smokebomb as the bandit. I am not 100% that this is a bug, but considering the lack of reticles and the strange behavior of the projectiles after the fact I figured this would be worth reporting.
      • Active Link

        Active Link Master Astronaut

        Just got this error on the third level, not sure why. It was during the teleporter waves, the boss was a red Wandering Vagrant. I had just used the Jar of Souls and my game was slowing down a ton. Usually I only get a little slowdown when the screen gets really crowded with enemies but this was way worse and seemingly random.
        ERROR in
        action number 4
        of End Step Event
        for object oImp:

        In script step_imp:
        Error in code at line 24:
        if target.free=false
        at position 16: Unknown variable free

        Also, it won't accept my controller unless I plug it in before loading the game.
        • Burby

          Burby Phantasmal Quasar

          That's normal for pretty much any game though.
          • Active Link

            Active Link Master Astronaut

            I mean before starting the game at all, normally I can plug in the controller while i'm in the main menu and it'll work but it wouldn't work with this one.
            • Galdius

              Galdius Subatomic Cosmonaut

              Every musics and sounds work perfectly for me (W7 64bit)
              • SuperV1234

                SuperV1234 Star Wrangler

                Stuck inside the wall. Not sure how it happened, maybe rolling after jumping off the rope. Moving/using skills is useless.

                • Shrooblord

                  Shrooblord Void-Bound Voyager

                  Mines can be dropped 'through platforms', floating somewhere inbetween the platform and the sky. This was done while on the ladder, still near the platform.

                  Also, the OP notes as the current version. ;)

                  • When the Commando uses his machine gun in the Fungal Caverns against a Greater Wisp, the impact explosion graphic is occassionally facing the wrong way.
                  • During a Teleporter event, sometimes no enemies spawn, but a Boss does.
                  • Fire Shield does not seem to retaliate against Wisps.
                  • This Golem died in mid-air and left his body there:
                  • Going off the same screenshot I had before, so you can see my Items, it seems the Atg Missiles Mk I sometimes have exceptionally high damage values for my level (up to 2550).
                  • Paggles

                    Paggles Intergalactic Tourist

                    I've had this ladder problem happen to me as well!
                    • Soolar

                      Soolar Void-Bound Voyager

                      Toxic Worm will also infect ghosts, taking away its availability to attack actual enemies, and I THINK actually damaging the ghosts too. Seems to be pretty much the only item that's still buggy with ghosts, from what I can tell.

                      Also, Heaven Cracker doesn't seem to do anything as Han-D and presumably also the miner? Since their attacks already effectively pierce, but are shorter range, I assume. Could be that it is actually doing something, but if so, it is just not noticeable.
                      • Engio

                        Engio Space Penguin Leader

                        error report (Was in hardcore, nothing fancy happening and no visible bugs - pressed ignore and it didn't seem to affect the game)
                        ERROR in
                        action number 1
                        of Alarm Event for alarm 0
                        for object oLizard:

                        In script alarm_ai_default:
                        In script apply_buff:
                        Error in code at line 7:
                        for (g=0;g<name.buff_count;g+=1)
                        at position 18: Unknown variable buff_count
                        • MageKing17

                          MageKing17 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                          Having a bizarre problem where the game locks up, turning the screen a solid color and causing the OS to stop responding. Yes, it's freezing the entire computer (Win7, 64-bit). Only way to do anything is to hard power-off the computer. Didn't even think a Game Maker game could do that, but it only seems to happen when I play Risk of Rain. At first it only happened after playing through several rounds, but the second-to-last time it happened around 27 minutes into a particularly-fruitful run and last time was still in the very first stage. Getting pretty annoying, because as a result I still don't actually have a save.ini for (because it's crashing before I die).
                          • Treadlight

                            Treadlight Existential Complex

                            I forgot to mention this one. Using HAN-D's Overclock while climbing a ladder rope or chain will cause HAN-D not to get the orange effect until it gets off of the ropechainladder.

                            EDIT: Also, I think there may be one or more memory leaks. The game has occasionally slowed down to 18 FPS at a seemingly random point in time every few playthroughs. The framerate goes back to normal after a few minutes.
                            • Engio

                              Engio Space Penguin Leader

                              another error report
                              ERROR in
                              action number 1
                              of Alarm Event for alarm 0
                              for object oMush:

                              In script alarm_ai_default:
                              In script apply_buff:
                              Error in code at line 7:
                              for (g=0;g<name.buff_count;g+=1)
                              at position 18: Unknown variable buff_count
                              • Treadlight

                                Treadlight Existential Complex

                                That's the same error as last time. This makes me wonder if they have TUVAZ enabled, I hope not.
                                • Joskineide

                                  Joskineide Astral Cartographer

                                  It seems that death ring doesn't work on miner (I had a alien head, don't know if makes any diference)
                                  Having ridiculous atack speed results in roling back to standard speed, but it double hits(?) (it is hard to see with soo many passives active at once)
                                  • Engio

                                    Engio Space Penguin Leader

                                    Drone Support seems terribly bugged at the moment. Every other use the drones summoned does not target enemies for the duration. Perhaps a glitch in the items AI?
                                    • Joskineide

                                      Joskineide Astral Cartographer

                                      wandering vagrant still sometimes doesn't spawn it's tentacles
                                      • Treadlight

                                        Treadlight Existential Complex

                                        I think it might be related to lowering graphics, but raising them doesn't make the tentacles reappear. How would the tentacles cause lag? Aren't they just curved lines?
                                        • Engio

                                          Engio Space Penguin Leader

                                          Less things rendered reduces stress. When those lines have to move around and be redrawn that requires processing power. And since the tentacles don't do anything but look darn pretty it is a place where the game can cut corners to get more processing power I suppose.
                                            Pastuleio likes this.

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