Bug Report: Knockback on enemies

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TheEverling, Aug 12, 2015.

  1. TheEverling

    TheEverling Void-Bound Voyager

    I was playing earlier today online and, either through a game sync bug with the knockback, or a bug in the game itself, one of the Goblin Shamans we were fighting in the mines got pushed through a wall and was moving around outside the playable area for a while. He never ended up warping back in, and eventually wandered too far away for anyone to damage him forcing us to teleport back to town. I was unable to get a screenshot because of my laptop being strange and not accepting the hotkey for screenshots. If anyone else encounters this issue or can repeat it, I'm sure it would help the dev's immensely towards finding a fix.
    • sirithre

      sirithre Pangalactic Porcupine

      This is a known bug! If you encounter any more bugs however, you can submit them through the launcher. When you're running the game, the launcher minimizes to your notifications area (lower right) - there should be an option there to Submit Bug Report. This is the best way to get the information to the devs, as it goes straight into a spreadsheet they work from.

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