Bug: 11th of summer won't come

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by 4eruxnick, May 11, 2018.

  1. 4eruxnick

    4eruxnick Void-Bound Voyager

    Hey guys, I'm here just to inform that there's a bug on Stardew Valley multiplayer when on the night of the 10th of summer, just before the Luau, we're asking Robin to make a coop. We're doing several things (as always) like watering, collecting materials, fishing and at the time we go to sleep the game automatically crashes, the server shuts down and shows "no response".
    We think the problem is the coop (is in a forest farm). First time we though it was just something casual, but we replayed the day doing the same thing and when we were about to sleep, the same thing happened.
    I hope this information is useful for to improve the multiplayer beta.
    We all can work together to make SV better!
      Saufkumpel likes this.
    • Rarn

      Rarn Aquatic Astronaut

      I actually had the same issue on the same day. We narrowed it down to the coop building too. The key was that if my partner (the farmhand) built the coop, it would crash without fail, but if I built it (as the host), we ended up fine. So basically it seems like only the host can safely build from Robin (and probably the wizard too) right now.
        Saufkumpel likes this.
      • Saufkumpel

        Saufkumpel Void-Bound Voyager

        Same issue, same day. Farmhand requested a barn on the 10th and the game crashed when we went to sleep.

        I assume it's the farmhand requesting something to be built in combination with an event happening.

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