Broadcast Station 19 -- Lucrative Opportunitities

Discussion in 'Corporations Archive' started by nababoo, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. SivCorp

    SivCorp Parsec Taste Tester

    -incoming package-

    invoice -
    4 spy bugs - 2 crawling, 2 flying with remote control systems
    1 recording system with wireless transmission capability.

    Notes - The Triads would like to extend their appreciation to you working with SivCorp on this mining operation and providing the security contacts. Here is a gift for you to use on your surveillance of the planet. We thank you for working with us.

    Mr. Yokah, Triad district manager.
    Twyster likes this.
  2. Broadcast Two:

    HOST: “Hello and greetings again! This is Broadcast 19, providing any willing listeners with truthful and corporation-free voice! Running on frequencies near hydrogen all the way up to 0.78 nanometers, we're prepared to speak. I’m here with my co-host Allan the Glitch, comrade in arms.

    "It's been a busy period of time. Seria's seen a lot of activity, some more planets have seceded from the Commonwealth, and our counterparts at Broadcast 17 have denounced us yet again. The contributors that have told us recently of their operations have also told us to tell you that there's going to be a whole mess of attacks. Yes, prepare for all the kinds of assaults that only a Novakid can bring -- they may even initiate a Kessler Syndrome scenario if they forget what they're doing! Perhaps Desert Star Inc. would be ready to provide some sort of assistance in that department."

    ALLAN: "The weather storms mentioned previously on Seria have received much more thermal energy from the nearby star due to increased prominence and flare activity. The southern hemispheres of the planet have been rendered completely toxic by the high concentrations of acidic rain and chemicals released in an accident with a tech-vault."

    HOST: "Otherwise, operations have been optimal. A few major corporations have been jockeying for power on the planet itself! Although a bit violent, it's nothing the galaxy isn't prepared to do to drag itself out of the recession. Weapons manufacturers, miners, here's your opportunity! This conflict may grow even larger and more lucrative. Wow, gee. Who wouldn't want to be part of that. Besides that, there are even more drifters and treasure hunters drawn to the planet than we've seen before in any concentration. Hundreds of light cruisers and starships are orbiting and surface teams are exploiting the hell out of the environment. Raiders abound too, no doubt.

    "Nothing else much besides. The army of Glitch have scattered to the four winds and they're shambling about, harassing and killing any of those on the wayside. Tech's remained mostly untouched besides some sealing off, but we have yet to receive information with that. Anyways, we might even set up a post there to get some firsthand reports and give even less biased information to you listeners."

    ALLAN: "Now we turn our attention to Broadcast 17. They were originally formed in the days right after the recession, from which we split off to provide our own form of informational propagation...


    [Doing good, guys, doing good. This is getting real interesting. The Novakid raiders and Glitch wanderers are going to be a nuisance from here on out, destroying and maiming local wildlife and operations. May even have to unite against them, should their forces become too great in number...]
  3. Local Directories: A B C Drives online; D offline
    Engaging Emergency Hardware Recovery Software
    Firsthand Corporation, Planetary Defense Satellite [Analysis Sub-Sector]

    Scanning Local Celestial Bodies
    102924537717998 Changes Observed from -200+ Years

    Scanning Local Star
    Magnetic Activity: Dangerously High
    Solar Flare Increase (280%)
    Sunspot Change (40%)
    Probability of Danger (88%)

    Alert// Aleph Protocol // Sigma Engage
    Detailed results available at [0P9 Facility]

    (([Solar Flares! What fun.]))
  4. Prophet of Deception

    Prophet of Deception Big Damn Hero

    *Warps into IBI-R ship hovering over mysterious planet, commander jumps, startled*
    Lower the camo shield Camron, we needn't be evasive around here among friends.
    *Camo shield is lowered as Camron barks orders*
    And send out a transmission on all available signals!
    *Leans over to mic*
    Ladies and Gentlmen, please welcome to this planet the Reconstruction! The first,*Whispers* and last if the IBI catches on*Stops whispering*, of it's kind! No need to reply, I know you can here me! I am, I guess, here to find out what is happening with the glitch, and why they haven't sent me a signal to help them build their encampment! I do very reasonable prices, especially for a race that didn't participate in... nevermind, I do good prices!
    *Puts hand over mike and turns around to A.I that appears next to him*
    When can the reconstruction be charged?
    "Immediately Sir" Replies the A.I
    Oh, good. Well then we can do whatever we want now can't we?
    "That depends on what you want to do Sir" Intoned the A.I
    Shut up, launch all spy drones to examine everything, and I mean everything!
  5. SimYouLater

    SimYouLater Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thank you for the equipment. We will try our best to return them in pristine condition when we are done with them.

    ((I've got problems with the electrical network in our town; a single one of our breakers is wired to over 50% of the house for some unfathomable reason (probably a botched job from the 70's or earlier - this house is about 100 years old), meaning the load was already high on it and it was a miracle it managed 4 computers plus external hard drives and other accessories, three AC machines, two televisions, two VCRs, two game consoles, a router, an alarm clock AND our portable electronic devices. Then when the power started failing us, the amount going to that breaker was less than was required to run the connected devices. So now we keep having half our house shut off spontaneously due to a breaker tripping, and the power company is still working on fixing it. In short, don't expect me to be on much for the next little while. Sorry.))
  6. SivCorp

    SivCorp Parsec Taste Tester

    -Internal Alert-


    Recent solar activity has made things much more dangerous. All personnel need to get HazSuits V3 and keep them on while outdoors. The solar flares seem to toxify the planet to dangerous levels. Additionally, large flares may knock out power occasionally. Therefor, or security is implementing manual gates and overrides. This retrofit will be completed within 3 days. Thank you all for your hard work and patience.

    The shipping routes have also changed, in order to minimize the exposure to solar flares. All nonessential ships have likewise shifted orbit to the shadow side of the planet for safety. We have also deployed a new building at base camp to help keep everything indoors. The Warehouse will store all materials from here on out. Security level 2 is required to enter the warehouse as well.

    That is all.

    -end transmission-
    nababoo and Prophet of Deception like this.
  7. [Not to be a grammar nazi or anything, but it's spelled flare :coffee:]
  8. SivCorp

    SivCorp Parsec Taste Tester

    (( opps... edited :facepalm: ))
    nababoo likes this.
  9. Dave Combine

    Dave Combine Corporate Co-Chair

    "... You mean, we actually have him?" The leader questioned in shock, waiting for validation.
    "That is what the others have told us back at Sunfyre."
    "This is great! And we didn't have any difficulties at all-"
    "Well, actually, we attempted to capture another of his bots, but it seemed to overpowering. We have lost two men."
    "They didn't get through the portal did they?!"
    "No. We shut it down before they could examine it."
    "... I guess as long as we retrieved the person of interest, all went well. Those bots did good."
    "Shall we be discussing our plan now, Xenos?" Engeleon interrupted.
    "I do like your idea, but I'm afraid that will have to wait. Right now our main priority is making sure Dave doesn't try to escape."
    "What is your course of action?"
    "Send a couple of high-classed troops-"

    Xenos paused for a moment.

    "... Erm, what was that, sir?" Engeleon asked.
    "My radar is detecting another person has entered the room."
    "Sir, we are the only three in this room at the moment-"
    "It isn't ours..!"

    Xenos shoved aside Engeleon, and angrily dashed to the other side of the room. He reached out with his palm, and clenched his fist. It sounded like he crushed a small object attached to the wall.

    "... Sir, is everything alright?" Engeleon said in confusion.

    Xenos opened his fist, revealing crushed circuits and metal.

    "Spy bots. The people on this planet with us are suspicious of our actions. I guess it's to late to have tea with them."
    "You never answered my question."

    Xenos thought for a minute.

    "Send a few troops back to E.B.D.S. You other bot, tell the people in charge of surveillance to program our nanobots to be on full search of our base, and report any unauthorized machinery to be reported to everyones radar. We were lucky some of them found this one. We can't afford more information to be leaked. After all of them are taken care of, I will report further instructions. Go!!!"

    Grunhawk and Engeleon paced out of the room. As they left, Xenos threw the broken machinery onto the floor.

    "So you want to play it that way, huh..."
  10. Axolotemen

    Axolotemen Title Not Found

    • Searching broadcasting signals...
    • No signals found retrying...
    • No signals found retrying...
    • No signals found retrying...
    • Signal found on channel 19.
    • /send report 1
    ((This is the command console im going to use to represent direct ship code and the commands entered, also the /send report 1 command sends a report of the anomalies in the readers of the ship like solar flares and electromagnetic fields))
    6 days ago:
    14:05 Direct solar flare contact detected.
    20 % Power drain. 73 % Remaining
    20º Turn to right.
    Contact lost 16 hours.
    4 days ago:
    16:34 Solar flare reach detected
    8 % Power drain. 62 % Remaining
    2 days ago:
    afsadfjfladñdnafhsdgfndmadsfghgfdfgfdfdsdsadffghgfdfghgd (Data corrupted)
    Electromagnetic excess
    Low data corruption
    Navigation override (Loss of data)
    End report
    • /broadcast all
    • Broadcasting all information
    • /print coordinates
    • Calculating...
    • Internal position is X 2142,1 Y -2142,5 Z 253,5332 ((This means inside the planet, not on the universe))
    • /test poison
    • Examinating outer air...
    5 % Oxygen. (Pure)
    32.25 % Unknown substances. (May be poisonus)
    25 % Carbon dioxide. (Natural poison)
    12.5 % Compound 1623-B. (Toxic material)
    6.25 % Hydrogen. (Non modifying)
    6.25 % Sodium floturate. (Non modifying)
    0.25 % Uranium (Highly poisonius)
    12.5 % Water (Pure)
    End report

    nababoo likes this.

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