Before 1.0, the Outpost NPCs gave quests. They were considered to be pretty boring, as all of them were Fetch Quests, and only 2 of them had several steps (Namely, one that allowed the PC to learn how to make Paper back then, and another quest that involved cofee and the effort it actually takes to get a single cofee cup). In 1.0, they got removed because they were tedious and repetitive (Thankfully), but now the Outpost feels dead, for lack of a better word. My suggestion is to add side-missions that are similar to storyline missions in that they involve unique maps (They may or may not involve bosses). Notabily, not all of them must involve combat (In fact, they may or may not involve options to aovid them). Possible quests: -Find out who is the culprit of a serial killing case . Of course, the culprit isn't so easy to find...It might even be that ditzy Wartweed-obsessed detective of the duo that has been working alongside the case...Or that cashier at the store you barely interact with. -Help a weapons research company develop new weapons! -End up fighting a living Moon! -Help the Apex Resistance free a whole city from the Miniknog! -End up participating in the bank heist of your life! -Bring down a conspiracy!