Modding Discussion Bridges n stuff

Discussion in 'Mods' started by skooma, Apr 5, 2016.

  1. taintedwheat

    taintedwheat Master Astronaut

    let me give you some advize, you're a sweety
      Jinxiewinxie likes this.
    • Entoarox

      Entoarox Oxygen Tank

      YAAAAAAAS, imagine, never having to XNB edit again!
      Might I suggest having it so more then one text file is possible to have? That way people can share their edits here on the forum without having to go into the files and edit them.

      `I had a dream, a dream of a XNB-less stardew map modding world, AND IT IS TRUTH TO BE! BLESS THE Advise, FOR THEY HAVE SUPPLIED SALVATION!` :p
      • skooma

        skooma Poptop Tamer

        whoa, guess i really sparked something here haha
        interested to see what comes out of it
        i'll go ahead and change the title i suppose

        after i posted this thread i actually got tIDE working for me and edited my farm map further... and, naturally, jumped to wanting to add a whole new map for a wine cellar immediately.

        i got the map done, then quickly realized i have no idea how to actually turn it into a working mod. (making the dll and such.)
        i googled it but i've only come out more frustrated because i can't install visual studio. reason being i opted out of automatic windows updates a while ago... and apparently my internet connection is too poor to update now. :p (really, that's the official error i got- bad internet connection lol)
        so if i could get help with turning it into a working mod... that'd be great
        • BoffoBoy

          BoffoBoy Existential Complex

          Wake me up you two for the day I can update new colored walls for my bus stop addiction and SMAPI-fi them myself..

          Please please just let me attach my own tilesheets whatever you do, hot pink pentagrams and teddybears on tables cannot wait that long.

          I can handle a little tIDE abuse.
            Jinxiewinxie likes this.
          • Jinxiewinxie

            Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

            After much gnashing of teeth, I have finished the SMAPI only version. It doesn't require you to replace any .xnb files or even add new ones. Just stick the folder in your Mods folder in AppData and you're set. This one is a stone bridge, because making the plank one turned out to be excruciatingly painful at this time.

            Here's a gif showing the bridge:

            Here's a link to the download.
            • BoffoBoy

              BoffoBoy Existential Complex

              I'm oldschool about my lake issues, I almost completely squared off my farm and dropped all the lakes.
              • Advize

                Advize Cosmic Narwhal

                Looks great when you put sidewalks over it.

                • game8bravo

                  game8bravo Space Hobo

                  Like this so much.. may i request one thing.. could this bridge design replace all bridges on the new maps as of version 1.1 really hate looking at the wood planks and wanted this stone one on the new maps like the riverland map or the hill top map... anything to cover those planks.. :catface::laugh::catface::catface::catface::catface:
                    hadenvoss likes this.
                  • Janakie

                    Janakie Void-Bound Voyager

                    I´d love to use this Mod but I can´t get it to work.
                    I´m running Version 1.15.1 of Smapi with Version 1.2.30 of the game and when I try to start it with the Mod I can´t load a game - when I click on the game I want to load it jumps straight back to the "Chucklefish" screen. Without the Mod the game runs fine.
                    I´m attaching the Smapi-Screen with the error log (it´s partly in german, if translations are needed let me know)
                    Any idea why that could happen and how I could fix it with next to no knowledge of coding and the inner-workings of games...

                      Attached Files:

                    • Voltaic123

                      Voltaic123 Pangalactic Porcupine

                      This is... a very very old mod, so its not surprising it doesn't work now.

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