I think Stardew Valley has similar combat with Zelda games. So I think it would be reasonable if the game would have bosses that differ in difficulty based on the player's combat level. When defeated it would shower the player with loot or quite possibly a new piece of equipment. Defeating said bosses is required to reach a next level in hte mines. What do you guys think?
I don't necessarily disagree but the caves might need a little more depth for bosses to be implemented. Also in general combat is braindead attack hitlock spamming and needs to slow down a lot, need to fix this before thinking about adding more combat imo. In RF even basic enemies could be an issue if you just waltzed in but in SV you can do this until about floor 80+ caves without an issue.
i like this idea, it's similar to rune factory, you're a farmer but you can play adventures and defeating bosses while wait for your crops haha. that's nice