Modding Help Bookmark text box, width

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by TomcatSong, Apr 3, 2019.

  1. TomcatSong

    TomcatSong Intergalactic Tourist

    Hi, I try to make a wider bookmark interface.
    Everything is done except text inputting.
    Width of the text input area can not be change. You can see that in my screenshot.
    I ve mod the"\interface.XML Configuration file"
      "textBoxDefaultWidth" : 350,
    Besieds, mod the"\interface\windowconfig\teleportdialog.XML Configuration file"
                  "name" : {
                    "type" : "label",
                    "position" : [23, 10],
                    "hAnchor" : "left",
                    "width" : 320,
                    "value" : "Bookmark Name",
                    "color" : [255, 255, 255],
                    "mouseTransparent" : true
    Additional, mod the "\interface\windowconfig\editbookmark.XML Configuration file"
        "name" : {
          "type" : "textbox",
          "position" : [11, 50],
          "hint" : "Enter bookmark name",
          "enterKey" : "ok",
          "escapeKey" : "close",
          "maxWidth" : 334,
          "regex" : "[a-zA-Z0-9 '-?!.]{0,28}"
    Unfortunately, none of them works.
    So, how can i widen the bookmark text area? Any help will be appreciated

    Attached Files:

  2. TomcatSong

    TomcatSong Intergalactic Tourist

    Anyone may help ?

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