My .patch file is supposed to add custom crop I made to the forest biome. But I still have not found my plant. Is it even working? { "op": "add", "path": "/surfacePlaceables/items/-", "value": { "mode" : "floor", "priority" : 1.0, "variants" : 1, "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:denseSurfaceCrops", "type" : "object", "objectSets" : [ { "pool" : [ [1, "perennialseed" ] ], "parameters" : { "startingStage" : 4 } } ] }
you are missing a final closing } at the end. what I normally do to make sure this is fixed is for every { count up and for every } count down, if its not 0 something went wrong
That was just an error when I was copy n pasting it into the forums. If that was the problem, the game would not run, but it does run fine. I just cant find the plant.