okay to start off. I do realize this is beta. I do like how the monsters have randomized appearances and elemental attributes. and i'm hoping to see more enemy types and a.i and behaviors added. its fine for the time being but i think they should have specific monster types themed to specific biomes. like have a basic template for a snow themed monster and still have it randomized with their appearance but have all the randomized attributes somehow snow themed. and then have jungle enemies and slime biome enemies and flesh biome enemies etc.. in terraria there were unique mobs in every biome, things that planted themselves in walls, things that ran at you, things that jumpes, things that shot at you, things that fly at you and shoot at you. in this it sems like theres only 4 types of enemies. there are quadrupeds which can either be aggressive or not and just lunge at you lightning speed. and sometimes that have a random puking attack. bipeds aggressive or non that lunge at you lightning speed. birds that puke or or dive at you, mostly non aggressive unless you get too close. and then humanoids with either guns or melee weapons. and everything thats the same level..like level 10 all has the same stats and does the same damage and takes the same amount of hits to kill. so it feels like you're always fighting the same enemy even though they always look different. try to imagine terraria if it only had slimes, bats and skeletons, but they spawned in different colors with different accessories but all had the same stats. i do like one thing, i remember someone complaining that the mobs don't act and behave according to how their appearance would suggest. I like this feature, because i want to feel like every time i enter a new alien world. i have to relearn and study the behaviors of the enemies and figure out which ones are aggressive and which ones have puke attacks and yeah it might not appear to make sense but thats the same logic that might happen in real life if life is ever discovered on another planet, we will see things unlike anything we ever saw before behaving in ways we would not be able to predict based on their appearance alone
I strongly agree with this, however the devs are planning to add many more behaviours, however I would like them to implement this basic template idea you mentioned. It doesn't make sense for a red monster to appear on a planet that's blue, as it would make it stand out to predators. Maybe they could make it so that all aliens on a planet usually share some sort of physical feature or behaviour e.g. monsters that have three eyes, are usually bipeds and are usually passive.