Modding Help Biome mod requirements

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by apinanaivot, Aug 9, 2017.

  1. apinanaivot

    apinanaivot Cosmic Narwhal

    I am trying to make a new biome, but I am not sure what files are required to make the biome work in 1.3

    The biome I am working on used to work in the previous version, but doesn't work anymore in 1.3.

    The files it currently it includes:


    /interface/cocpit.config.patch, which has the following code inside:
        "value":["Densely colonized by trees and other flora, this ^#15ce02;snowy forest ^white; seems like a reasonably safe planet to land on.",
        "Snowy trees abound in this ^#15ce02;snowy forest ^white;location. The area is hospitable to life, my database indicates that you may encounter animals that can survive in a cold environment.",
        "Your beam site for this planet is located in a ^#15ce02;snowy forest^white;. Readings indicate that this cold, wooded area is relatively tranquil."]}
    /celestial.config.patch which has the following code inside:
      {"op" : "add",
      "path" : "/terrestrialHorizonGraphics/V2forest-snowy",
      "value" :
          "baseImages" : "/celestial/system/horizon/textures/SnowyForest_<selector>.png",
          "maskTextures" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/masks/temperate/<mask>_<selector>.png",
          "maskRange" : [1, 25],
          "maskPerPlanetRange" : [3, 3] 
      //Graphics 2
        {"op" : "add",
      "path" : "/terrestrialGraphics/V2forest-snowy",
      "value" :
          "baseImages" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/SnowyForest/maskie<num>.png",
          "dynamicsImages" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/arid/<num>.png",
          "dynamicsRange" : [1, 20]
    /terrestrial_worlds.config.patch which has the following code inside:
        {"op" : "add",
       "path" : "/planetTypes/V2forest-snowy",
       "value" :
          "threatRange" : [2, 2],
          "layers" : {
            "surface" : {
              "primaryRegion" : ["V2forest-snowy"],
              "secondaryRegions" : [ "snow" ],
              "dungeons" :
              [[1.0, "apextestfacility"], [1.0, "apexbase"], [1.0, "apexcamp"], [1.0, "apexcity"],
              [1.0, "aviantemple"], [1.0, "aviantomb"], [1.0, "avianvillage"], [1.0, "aviannativevillage"],  [1.0, "avianairship"],
              [1.0, "floranhuntinggrounds"], [1.0, "florancanyon"], [1.0, "floranvillagetower"], [1.0, "floranhutvillage"],
              [1.0, "dungeoncrawler"], [1.0, "evilfortress"], [1.0, "glitchcastle"], [1.0, "glitchvillage"],
              [1.0, "hylotlruinedcastle"], [1.0, "hylotlcity"],
              [1.0, "humanprison"], [1.0, "humancamp"],
              [1.0, "glitchsewer"], [1.0, "novakidvillage"]
      {"op" : "add",
      "path" : "/regionTypes/V2forest-snowy",
      "value" :
          "blockSelector" : [ "remixedMildSurface" ],
          "fgCaveSelector" : [ "surfaceCaves" ],
          "bgCaveSelector" : [ "empty" ],
          "caveLiquidChanceRange" : [100, 100],
          "biome" : [
            [0, [ "V2forest-snowy" ]]
          "subRegion" : ["alpine"]

    What files are missing, and what do I need to add to make the biome work? Currently when you find this biome the cockpit map just zooms out.

    The mod is included in a zip file.

    Attached Files:

  2. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    What do you mean "doesnt work anymore"?

    Also --> /interface/cocpit.config.patch

    Is this naming a typo or is it actually "cocpit"?
  3. apinanaivot

    apinanaivot Cosmic Narwhal

    It's typo, not in the actual mod.
    The game crashes when you start a new character, and if i use a existing one i can't select systems with snowy forest biome in them.
  4. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    If it crashes, then we need the log.
    bk3k likes this.

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