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Bug/Issue BIG Fishing Bar Solved!

Discussion in 'Support' started by MaximumRide, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. MaximumRide

    MaximumRide Space Hobo

    And when I said big fishing bar, I mean it almost filled out the whole thing!


    I use STORM but I don't have any mod for fishing there. I had the easy fishing mod though before I used storm. I tried playing it without the storm launcher and it is still the same. And then I checked this:


    I last went fishing at the first half of Winter Year 2. Then Year 3 came and I tried fishing again when the rain day came. That was the day I discovered the BIG fishing bar.

    As much as having a very big fishing bar could be good, it really destroys the fishing mini-game for me.

    I hope to wake up tomorrow with explanations! this is driving me nuts!
    • uberlobster

      uberlobster Void-Bound Voyager

      Something seems to have altered your skill level. Read the Save File Editing Guide and search for professions. You should see a section labeled level with the number 50. Change the 50 and I think you should be good - unless something is maintaining that skill level such as a mod.
      • RushToward

        RushToward Big Damn Hero

        I can't stop laughing.

        uberlobster is right though. Your pic says it all. A fishing level of 50 should be impossible, but perhaps the Easy Fishing mod you used in the past made a permanent change to your character's stats. Some mods are like that.

        You can search your save file for <fishingLevel>50</fishingLevel> and changing it to 10 or whatever you want.
        • MaximumRide

          MaximumRide Space Hobo

          Oh my! What a great morning! This will be the first time I'll go wandering around save files. Wish me luck!

          Thank you so much!
          • MaximumRide

            MaximumRide Space Hobo

            YES!! aaaaaaahhhhh! I thought I as gonna live like that for a while. Thank you so much!


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