Between Blood, The Stars, and The Heart - An Avali/Starbound Fanfiction

Discussion in 'Writing' started by Gilligan Lanley, Mar 14, 2016.


What will the name of the Story be?

Poll closed Mar 17, 2016.
  1. Current Place Holder Title

    0 vote(s)
  2. Adventures of the Lone Avali

  3. DoaLA: Retold

  4. Between Blood, The Stars, and The Heart

  5. The Skyfire Chronicles

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. hypergen8

    hypergen8 Guest

    WOOO!!! that was great! worth the wait!
    Gilligan Lanley likes this.
  2. Gilligan Lanley

    Gilligan Lanley Space Kumquat

    Glad you enjoyed it! ^.^
    hypergen8 likes this.
  3. RowanEx

    RowanEx Pangalactic Porcupine

    Woah. I liked the first version, and now there's this. Wait a minute, I'm not bumping this post, right!?!? The last post was in July and... stuff...
    Gilligan Lanley likes this.
  4. Combozone

    Combozone Existential Complex

    nah nah, you good man.
    Gilligan Lanley likes this.
  5. Gilligan Lanley

    Gilligan Lanley Space Kumquat

    I've been derping about playing tons of new games, plus with work and adulting, I haven't had much time to write. This story is however still going to continue. :nuruhappy:
  6. Master Automan IV

    Master Automan IV Phantasmal Quasar

    Gilligan Lanley, Ponamis and Lodish like this.
  7. Gilligan Lanley

    Gilligan Lanley Space Kumquat

    PS: Uber late reply, but glad you like the story so far! :nuruhappy:
  8. Gilligan Lanley

    Gilligan Lanley Space Kumquat

    As well, just a heads up; I was working on the newest chapter however, to quote my status update:

    "Fantastic. Windows 10 died (no surprise), so now I gotta reinstall everything. Lost all of my files; including the draft for my story :c"
    Master Automan IV likes this.
  9. Lodish

    Lodish Black Hole Surfer

    Nuuuuuuh :nurusad:
  10. Relten

    Relten The Waste of Time

    Remember kids, always downgrade your computer to Windows 95.
    Master Automan IV likes this.
  11. hypergen8

    hypergen8 Guest

    Nah, windows 1.0 all the way!
  12. Master Automan IV

    Master Automan IV Phantasmal Quasar

    I want my holo-lens back.
    Gilligan Lanley and hypergen8 like this.
  13. Pacman6511

    Pacman6511 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    how's the story coming along?
    themushroomlord likes this.
  14. Gilligan Lanley

    Gilligan Lanley Space Kumquat

    I've yet to pick up writing in a while, sadly. I've been procrastinating like it was going out of style. But reading over all these comments and feedback, I feel like picking it back up again.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2017
  15. Pacman6511

    Pacman6511 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    i'd love to see the story to pick back up again, after finish reading the diary of a lone avali twice i came back to this and read it... sad there's only the prolouge and chapter 1. can't wait for the rest of it
    themushroomlord and Dragonclaw like this.
  16. Double Pwned

    Double Pwned Poptop Tamer

    Hey, I'm wondering how to incorporate the chapter folders into my drafting, could someone be kind enough to illuminate the subject?
  17. Gilligan Lanley

    Gilligan Lanley Space Kumquat

    You mean the Spoiler tabs like this?
    Double Pwned likes this.
  18. Double Pwned

    Double Pwned Poptop Tamer

    Yeah. *Edit* Hello? Where did everyone go?
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2017
  19. Pacman6511

    Pacman6511 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    people are barely on this thread anymore, me,you and Gilligan have been on recently.
    themushroomlord likes this.
  20. Gilligan Lanley

    Gilligan Lanley Space Kumquat

    Sorry, been distracted.
    [ SPOILER="Example"] Insert your text body here. [/SPOILER]
    Just remove the space between "[" and "SPOILER".

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