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RELEASED Betabound! v15.0

A base-game enhancement mod featuring new content! Not an overhaul.

  1. Sock_Bunny

    Sock_Bunny Existential Complex

    Sock_Bunny updated Betabound! with a new update entry:


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  2. xZugzw4ngx

    xZugzw4ngx Void-Bound Voyager

    I wonder, are there mods incompatible with this?
  3. Sock_Bunny

    Sock_Bunny Existential Complex

    Betabound uses a lot of patches, test ops, and unique file paths and prefixes, so the chances are extremely slim. The only known incompatibilities are caused by mods doing Stupid Things (tm) such as replacing vanilla files (ie: Starbound++). Betabound's been tested with a TON of mods and is consistently compatible
  4. Sock_Bunny

    Sock_Bunny Existential Complex

    Sock_Bunny updated Betabound! with a new update entry:


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  5. Sock_Bunny

    Sock_Bunny Existential Complex

    Sock_Bunny updated Betabound! with a new update entry:

    Weapon Upgrade Kits!

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. Sock_Bunny

    Sock_Bunny Existential Complex

  7. Sock_Bunny

    Sock_Bunny Existential Complex

    Sock_Bunny updated Betabound! with a new update entry:

    QOL and Weapons!

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  8. LuanaHalsey

    LuanaHalsey Space Hobo

    Hi, I just joined and am a new member. How can I install this mod in the game? Those of you who have played and are playing, can you guide a newbie like me? And is this just a beta mod?
  9. Sock_Bunny

    Sock_Bunny Existential Complex

    This is a mod to reimplement and improve beta content and add it back to the main game. You can install it by opening the zip file from the download and placing the resulting pak file into the game's mods folder.
    LuanaHalsey likes this.
  10. Sock_Bunny

    Sock_Bunny Existential Complex

    Sock_Bunny updated Betabound! with a new update entry:

    Food update!!

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  11. Sock_Bunny

    Sock_Bunny Existential Complex

    Sock_Bunny updated Betabound! with a new update entry:


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  12. Sock_Bunny

    Sock_Bunny Existential Complex

    Sock_Bunny updated Betabound! with a new update entry:

    Please read, may be important

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  13. Sock_Bunny

    Sock_Bunny Existential Complex

    Sock_Bunny updated Betabound! with a new update entry:

    Crafted weapon adjustments!!!

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  14. Sock_Bunny

    Sock_Bunny Existential Complex

  15. Sock_Bunny

    Sock_Bunny Existential Complex

  16. Sock_Bunny

    Sock_Bunny Existential Complex

    Sock_Bunny updated Betabound! with a new update entry:


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  17. Sock_Bunny

    Sock_Bunny Existential Complex

    Sock_Bunny updated Betabound! with a new update entry:

    Weapon mods, lore, quests, and more!

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  18. Sock_Bunny

    Sock_Bunny Existential Complex

  19. Sock_Bunny

    Sock_Bunny Existential Complex

    Sock_Bunny updated Betabound! with a new update entry:

    Bug fixes

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  20. Sock_Bunny

    Sock_Bunny Existential Complex

    Sock_Bunny updated Betabound! with a new update entry:


    Read the rest of this update entry...
    Orange Dreamsicle likes this.

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