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Notice Beta instructions for KS/Paypal Supporters

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Seria-Myouna, May 9, 2013.

  1. Nyanqua

    Nyanqua Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Got my copy and am about to test it out. Thank you for making the instructions so clear!
      Xalick likes this.
    • Xalick

      Xalick Master Chief

      Well i payed through paypal and i still havent gotten the beta yet. : /
      • Cyriel

        Cyriel Pangalactic Porcupine

        I'm having the same problem. Could be it's too soon but for now, it just shows starbound.
          Xalick likes this.
        • Bewinged

          Bewinged Poptop Tamer

          Are you saying you payed 25$ during the Kickstarter campaign or after it? There is currently no way to buy access into the closed beta if you missed the kickstarter campaign.
          • Cyriel

            Cyriel Pangalactic Porcupine

            Ahhh that explains it... Well, too bad then i guess :(

            Where does it say this though? Because i've read the kickstarter page top to bottom and couldn't find any threads on it here.

            And more importantly, am i still eligible for at least tier 1 or what's the deal here.
            • Bewinged

              Bewinged Poptop Tamer

              Well, after a kickstarter ends you can no longer opt in for any of the rewards, I'm unsure where you found a link for donation at this point?
              The campaign ended 3 days ago, as stated on the top of the page: "

              This project successfully raised its funding goal 3 days ago
              • Cyriel

                Cyriel Pangalactic Porcupine


                Below the announcement for the paypal now open part.
                Also it doesn't answer my question. Nowhere is it stated that funding is now discouraged / impossible and there's no mention of no longer being able to get into closed beta. Come to think of it, it doesn't really say anything anywhere :(
                • Bewinged

                  Bewinged Poptop Tamer

                  No idea about the separate paypal-donations, that seems to have been a way for people who weren't able to use the ordinary kickstarter payment-methods to get in on the fun, however I would assume it too ended with the kickstarter, perhaps you could try sending them a message on twitter.com/riskofrain and see if they respond there, might be a while though. Alternatively try sending hopoo a direct message on the forum.
                  • hopoo

                    hopoo Risk of Rain Developer Developer

                    We didn't intend to keep the paypal open (since we have to sort that manually), but since you guys donated the $25 anyways we'll send you guys your codes.
                      Cyriel likes this.
                    • Ghos7Soldier

                      Ghos7Soldier Master Chief

                      Ahh I see, in anycase I hope it wasn't too much trouble. I apologize for any inconvenience. Hope the money helps out though.
                      • Cyriel

                        Cyriel Pangalactic Porcupine

                        Oh wow heh. I already made peace with waiting but that is really great :) Thanks ^^
                        • awesomebill

                          awesomebill Space Hobo

                          Take my money!! Im not sure how to give you guys my money. I need your beta, take my money plz.
                          • EvaNix

                            EvaNix Intergalactic Tourist

                            Woot! What I surprise, I also paid $25 through PayPal without knowing I wouldn't get rewards, but noow, haha just thanks guys cant wait for this game!
                            • culo

                              culo Space Hobo

                              I backed the kickstarter w/ amazon payment, but didn't realize that the billing info I had with them was out of date. I fixed it and the payment went through as soon as I got back to town (5/13) but didn't receive any notification and the humble bundle link doesn't work. Is there anything I can do?

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