WIP BETA: FarmAutomation Mods (for SMAPI 0.39.6+)

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Oranisagu, Mar 28, 2016.

  1. Nurio

    Nurio Cosmic Narwhal

    Well, the .dll file is essentially the mod. So if you don't have any .dll files, then you don't have any proper mods. And of course it can't load what isn't there
    • FanmaR

      FanmaR Space Hobo

      I apparently didn't use the correct download button. One contained a dozen files and the other just two files including the .dll. Everything seems to be working now.
      • Foxy Boxes

        Foxy Boxes Big Damn Hero

        Can it automatically output into the trading chest?
        • Ookami96k

          Ookami96k Guest

          Amazing Mod! keep up the good work!
          • XLUY

            XLUY Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            Can support be added for Advize's Farm Expansion mod?

            I don't know if it's already supposed to be included, but when I tested it in-game the automation wasn't working.

            • Custom Farm extensions are now supported for collecting from animals as well as machines inside buildings on those new locations (outside already worked)
            And in the config file, is it possible to add something like a true/false exception for specific items like dinosaur eggs to be collected, but not turned into mayonnaise?
              Snarkypie and cera12sim like this.
            • cera12sim

              cera12sim Subatomic Cosmonaut

              id also like to know how custom farm extensions can be added to this mod
                Snarkypie likes this.
              • Hitgirl911

                Hitgirl911 Pangalactic Porcupine

                I absolutely love this mod.

                I have a request though, would it be possible to ignore having two chests next to each other? I wanted to have my kegs and jars process items from certain chest but it ends up mixing it together when I put two chests together.
                • BadShaddy

                  BadShaddy Subatomic Cosmonaut

                  It would be awesome to make this mod compatible with New Machines Mod.
                    Snarkypie likes this.
                  • Watts533

                    Watts533 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    Fantastic mod. Absolutely wonderful. I am, however, having a... strange problem. At least, I can't see anyone else having it, so I assume it's strange. The chests in both my Barn and Coop only collect when I load my save; every day after loading, I have to collect manually. Not that big of a deal, but I was wondering if anyone else had this problem, or if there was a solution. I'd upload my save file, but I'm getting a "does not have an allowed extension" error...

                    EDIT: Sorry, forgot to mention: my other SMAPI mods:
                    Better Random Number Generator
                    Calendar Anywhere
                    Event Notifications
                    Barn Door Automation
                    Faster Paths
                    Fishing Mod (set to completely eliminate the fishing mini game, which I just can't seem to get the hang of after 400+ hours of play)
                    Automatic Gate Opener
                    Get Dressed
                    Gift Taste Helper
                    Colored Chests Mod
                    Jiggly Jumino Bundles
                    Loved Labels
                    No Friendship decay
                    NPC Map Locations
                    Shipment Tracker
                    Skull Cave Saver
                    Slower Fence Decay
                    Chest Label System
                    Health Bar Mod
                    Configurable Improved Sprinkler Mod
                    CJB Show Item Sell Price

                    And my ItemCollectionConfiguration.json file contents:
                      /* Default: true. If true, animals will be petted each day. If false animals will not be petted each day. */
                      "PetAnimals": true,
                      /* Default: 5. The amount of friendship each animal gains when you collect milk/wool from it. If no chest is in the barn/coop where the animal lives, no items will be collected. */
                      "AdditionalFriendshipFromCollecting": 5,
                      /* Default: true. If true sound will be muted for a short time while all animals get processed. If false, there will be quite a cacaphony of bleats, moos and clucks. */
                      "MuteAnimalsWhenCollecting": true,
                      /* The machines from which their finished product should automatically be collected. If it's a machine you can put items in, it will also look for items to put in afterwards */
                      "MachinesToCollectFrom": "Keg, Preserves Jar, Cheese Press, Mayonnaise Machine, Loom, Oil Maker, Recycling Machine, Crystalarium, Worm Bin, Bee House, Strange Capsule, Tapper, Statue Of Endless Fortune, Furnace, Seed Maker, Statue Of Perfection, Crab Pot, Charcoal Kiln, Mushroom Box, Lightning Rod, Slime Egg-Press",
                      /* These machines or items are considered a connection. If a machine is not connected to a chest (either by being directly adjecant or by being adjecant to another machine which is machine connected) nothing will happen.
                      For example, you could add Fence and Gate if you want those to be considered for connections as well.
                      "ItemsToConsiderConnectors": "Keg, Preserves Jar, Cheese Press, Mayonnaise Machine, Loom, Oil Maker, Recycling Machine, Crystalarium, Worm Bin, Bee House, Strange Capsule, Tapper, Statue Of Endless Fortune, Furnace, Seed Maker, Statue Of Perfection, Crab Pot, Charcoal Kiln, Mushroom Box, Lightning Rod, Slime Egg-Press, Chest",
                      /* Default: false. If set to true, when looking for connections not only directly adjecent items will be considered, but diagonally adjecent items as well. */
                      "AllowDiagonalConnectionsForAllItems": false,
                      /* The following floor tiles are considered connector. be careful, if you have lots of these floors, your whole farm might connect to the same chest and the mod might
                         accidentally add items to your machines you'd rather keep.
                         by default only Wood Paths are enabled (few people seem to use them). Use these to connect your machines to chests or add another type of flooring of your liking by
                         adding numbers from below comma separated into the list. For example using something like this:
                                "FlooringsToConsiderConnector": [ 3, 7, 8 ],
                         would mean Wood Path, Crystal Path and Cobblestone Path will be connected as well.
                         Floor types:
                          Wood Floor = 0;
                          Stone Floor = 1;
                          Weathered Floor = 2;
                          Crystal Floor = 3;
                          Straw Floor = 4;
                          Gravel Path = 5;
                          Wood Path = 6;
                          Crystal Path = 7;
                          Cobblestone Path = 8;
                          Stepping Stone Path = 9;
                      "FlooringsToConsiderConnectors": [3, 4, 7 ],
                      /* The names of the game locations where machines are searched for.
                      The full list of possible locations is as follows:
                      "LocationsToSearch": "Farm, Greenhouse, FarmHouse, FarmCave, Beach",
                      /* Default: true. If true, all buildings (Barns, Coops etc) will be checked for machines as well. If false, the inside of those buildings will be ignored. */
                      "AddBuildingsToLocations": true,
                      /* Default: 0. Allowed values: 0 - 5000. If set to a number higher than 0, each time machines are processed the sound is muted for this amount of milliseconds. For 2 seconds you would therefore write 2000. Please note that this will mute your sound every 14 seconds (when the in game time updates) and you might not hear other sound clues, as such I only recommend this if you're running a lot of loud machines and only as long as you have materials to power them (especially furnaces are very loud if several get activated at once). As an alternative, consider just setting your sound in the game options a bit lower.
                       As the time needed to process all machines heavily depends on your computer, if you do use this option, I recommend trying 1000 milliseconds and gradually increasing it by 250 milliseconds until you find a suitable duration. */
                      "MuteWhileCollectingFromMachines": 0,
                      /* Default: true. If true, the mod is enabled. If false, the mod will not do anything. */
                      "EnableMod": true,
                      Last edited: Jul 18, 2016
                    • DragonDreads

                      DragonDreads Phantasmal Quasar

                      Is there anyway to get this to work with: Bus Stop Storage? Tested with different machines that work in my home/farm but none work in this area.
                      • Joshua006

                        Joshua006 Void-Bound Voyager

                        I put your mod into my mods folder, extracted it and ran the game. The mod didn't work, I even checked my ModdingAPI console and it doesn't even show loading the mod... Is there something I did wrong?
                        • Sena

                          Sena Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                          You just need to add BusStopStorage to the "LocationsToSearch" list in ItemCollectorConfiguration.json.
                          • Joshua006

                            Joshua006 Void-Bound Voyager

                            How did you guys get this mod to work? What mods does it conflict with?
                            • DragonDreads

                              DragonDreads Phantasmal Quasar

                              Tried that and nothing happened. Placed a chest and several preserve jars and nothing. I got the Railroad location to work with no problem but not the Bus Stop one.
                              • Sena

                                Sena Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                Are you using the SMAPI version or the map replacement version? I forgot there were two. For the SMAPI version you need to add BusStopStorage to the list, for the replacement version I think it would be WizardHouseBasement and MaruBasement_Custom.
                                • DragonDreads

                                  DragonDreads Phantasmal Quasar

                                  I'm using the SMAPI version. Tried multiple times with getting it to work, using either the preserve jars or the kegs. Added BusStopStorage to the location, just like I did Railroad, and it wouldn't work. The Railroad area worked just fine afterward. There are two .xnb files , one reads BusStopStorage and the other one joshhouse_custom. Wonder if I have to add both for it to work.
                                  • Sena

                                    Sena Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                    It was working fine for me with 25 kegs and 10 or so jars, and I only added BusStopStorage, though I only used the main area just inside and not the larger rooms through the trap doors. Those might be joshhouse_custom.
                                    • DragonDreads

                                      DragonDreads Phantasmal Quasar

                                      Hmm, you may be right, I was trying inside the trap door areas. Will give a go with adding both of them and post with the results. Thanks :)
                                      • Snarkypie

                                        Snarkypie Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                        This happens to me, too. Everything is collected only on the first day. I have to manually collect unless I reload the game. We have a lot of the same mods, so idk if they're conflicting or ..

                                        • Nicco175

                                          Nicco175 Orbital Explorer

                                          Hi, I'm trying to use your mods,I putthe mods inside the folder "mod" but when I start SMAPi, it says that the mods don't exist. Please help me!!!
                                            Last edited: Sep 13, 2016

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