RP Benny's Brigade: The Hellfire Campaign

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Commander Benny, Mar 24, 2014.

  1. Commander Benny

    Commander Benny Phantasmal Quasar

    The demon syndicate, a clan basically in complete opposition to the beliefs of the brigade. war is on the horizon. everyone can see that now. as this story begins tensions grow hotter between the two sides, each waiting to see who will make the first strike.

    rules: no harsh language, no inappropriate talk, no god-moding, if you wish to join private message Commander Benny or post a resume in the official clan thread.

    now, onto the story! (I really hope I did the right page this time :facepalm:)
  2. Commander Benny

    Commander Benny Phantasmal Quasar

    I sat in my chair contemplating my life, what I could remember anyways. everything and everyone before the brigade is basically gone one way or another. these guys aren't just my troops they're all I have. I thought aloud as I said,
    "Would this war be worth the risk?"
    I figured I wasn't the only one who would make this decision. I opened the Red William's chat systems and sent out a message for all the brigadiers to go to the bridge for an urgent meeting.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2014
  3. CandyToast

    CandyToast Void-Bound Voyager

    "Yes, Commander Benny?" CandyToast, the first one to be there asks. "What is it that you ask?"
  4. LeeJohn

    LeeJohn Phantasmal Quasar

    As the last lights of the day fade out slowly, Lee silently apprears from nowhere, or so one could think "What is your decision Commander? Are you sure there is no peaceful way around this situation? We are not ready to follow the path you are about to choose."
    ((Btw. add a rule regarding replies: If you reply to somebody in particular, quote his post, so that everybody knows what are you talking about))
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2014
  5. Commander Benny

    Commander Benny Phantasmal Quasar

    Are you kidding? we can't take on the syndicate! this meeting is to decide what we'll do to make ourselves stronger. until then (sighs) we'll just have to give no opposition. it's killing me that hundreds suffer while we wait but fighting now would be suicide.
  6. CandyToast

    CandyToast Void-Bound Voyager

  7. Commander Benny

    Commander Benny Phantasmal Quasar

    Where the heck are Raptoral and Nuker!? didn't I tell everyone to get up here?
  8. Raptoral ze great guy

    Raptoral ze great guy Big Damn Hero

    Raptoral silently comes up from the medbay "Sorry, i was restocking on some supplies, i started running low"
  9. LeeJohn

    LeeJohn Phantasmal Quasar

    ((Hate to admit but... Nuker's gonna have a huge exam pretty soon, so he will join us not sooner than 2nd April))
    Lee opens his Omni-tool (For anyone confused about what Omni-tool is link) and asks Benny "Have we decided what gear should we buy and what type of crew shall we hire? It's important to assemble a fleet if we wish to reach sufficient military strength."
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2014
  10. Commander Benny

    Commander Benny Phantasmal Quasar

    Look before we can even do anything else we need more members. an army is well and good but we need men and women to lead it. Know anybody?
  11. LeeJohn

    LeeJohn Phantasmal Quasar

    ((We can get a fleet and members simultanously. Besides start using "(())" for comments))
  12. Raptoral ze great guy

    Raptoral ze great guy Big Damn Hero

    *Looks for Benny while whistling a random tune* Hey Benny! *Trudges over* When will we attack one of those outposts? Do we even know where any of them are, because uh... that' be quite important to know.
  13. LeeJohn

    LeeJohn Phantasmal Quasar

    Lee smothly joins the conversation "We could ask around, you know. Why not visit a cafe of some sort, say, Starcup cafe... Or find one of their members and get them drunk? I've heard of several sniffing around that supernova that went off recently."
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2014
  14. LeeJohn

    LeeJohn Phantasmal Quasar

    Answer never came. Benny was looking very distracted sitting over the same drink for two hours straight. Lee poked him arm Benny fell to the side. He immediatelly got up and drew his gun "Get down, we might have a sniper situation-" when they heard Benny snoring "Errr... Thay's pretty awkward. But then, it might have been a tranqualizer substance... No, scans show nothing unusual in his... Vodka? Let's get him to the medbay for medical examination."
    Blackleaf likes this.
  15. Raptoral ze great guy

    Raptoral ze great guy Big Damn Hero

    *Awkwardly attempts to lift Benny out of his chair* Screw this *Kicks out one of the folding chair's legs and catches benny while he's falling* There we go, to the medbay!
  16. LeeJohn

    LeeJohn Phantasmal Quasar

    Lee grabs B's legs and they slowly start to move. Later they arrive in the medbay and lay Benny down. Medical chief says he's been tranqualized and will be out for at least five days. Scans show a little, mostly dissolved capsule in his stomach, most likely the substance that has put him to sleep. Now that Benny's unconscious, it's Lee who's in charge untill Commander wakes up. "Raptoral, let's set the course for the following coordinates: sector Gamma, system Alpha Dracocia, planet Alpha Dracocia V b. We also need to engage thermal and radiation shielding, as our destination is a relatively recent supernova"
  17. Raptoral ze great guy

    Raptoral ze great guy Big Damn Hero

    *Looks up the planets description on a tablet* Damn that place looks nice! Inhospitable, but nice. *Walks off to the bridge to set the travel coordinates*
  18. LeeJohn

    LeeJohn Phantasmal Quasar

    "By the way, here, use this. It's better 'cause you don't need to worry about it falling down." Lee gives a little object to Raptoral. "Put it on your wrist, it has a holographic interface... Coordinates set?"
  19. Raptoral ze great guy

    Raptoral ze great guy Big Damn Hero

    Thanks, but ill keep my pad on me. Yeah, were set to go.
  20. LeeJohn

    LeeJohn Phantasmal Quasar

    Lee enters the CIC, approaches the starmap. "(@The_Nuker ) Jeff, engage the FTL drive in stealth mode. Our mission is to silently extract one tDS member from their research outpost in the system, that is our destination. If needed we will capture more than one, rest must be killed for secrecy's sake. We need them alive as specimens to find out what we're up against."

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