Being able to Sit

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Dougyhowzer, Oct 15, 2017.

  1. Dougyhowzer

    Dougyhowzer Space Spelunker

    I noticed that many of the characters in the game can sit
    I would love to have the option to be able to play pool in the saloon as a mini game and be able to sit at the tables, chairs , benches while conversing with Willy , or Leah , Elliot etc etc .

    Can be this be added ?
    Feel free to expand on this idea .
    • oinkgamer

      oinkgamer Cosmic Narwhal

      I'd definitely visit the saloon more often if there was a pool minigame. Being able to sit down with people and order each other food/drinks would also be kinda neat.
        Rivotril and Dougyhowzer like this.
      • Pretty_Princess

        Pretty_Princess Void-Bound Voyager

        This is a great idea. Something little like this would make the game a little bit more immersive. It's the little things that count.
          Rivotril and Dougyhowzer like this.
        • miloneuman

          miloneuman Phantasmal Quasar

          It could be nice if sitting refilled your stamina a bit, but at an extremely slow rate. Too slow for it to replace having some food with you on a mining trip, but fast enough to save you from exhaustion in a pinch.
          • Lilliput

            Lilliput Supernova

            Weirdly the sprites for this /already exist/, your character sits during the cut-scene for Sebastian's tabletop game with Sam. That's the only time I can recall them being used anywhere in the game.
              muticere likes this.
            • Cubacca

              Cubacca Master Chief

              My thoughts exactly! I spent a couple of minutes pressing different combinations of buttons on my Switch, approaching the chair I had just bought from different angles, wandering why my lil' dude wouldn't sit in the thing! Slow stamina restoration would be the perfect thing.

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