TheBigBlueSerpent submitted a new mod: BBSF- Big blue serpent furniture - A little mod I use for building. Read more about this mod...
TheBigBlueSerpent updated BBSF- Big blue serpent furniture with a new update entry: More furniture Read the rest of this update entry...
May i ask you, if you can make a Modern bed? If you made one that would fit the modern set, anyway Nice mod! Also please make this Multiplayer compatable, when i place down furnature it sends me back to my ship if i place it in my ship it sends me an error this is the error --------------------------- Error --------------------------- Fatal Error: Access violation detected at 00C38714 (Read of address 00000088) [0] 10b366a [1] 10b0ebe [2] 1127a72 [3] b0e43f [4] bc286c [5] bc095d [6] af5dd8 [7] c036c8 [8] 10a38e9 [9] aee940 [10] 117e479 [11] 117e276 [12] 114e70c [13] 755938f4 BaseThreadInitThunk [14] 77ed56c3 RtlUnicodeStringToInteger [15] 77ed568e RtlUnicodeStringToInteger --------------------------- OK ---------------------------
TheBigBlueSerpent updated [BBSF]- Big blue serpent furniture with a new update entry: Massive update! Read the rest of this update entry...
Great mod, with nicely drawn stuff! Unfortunately in this update you took the material id numbers used in General store mod materials, not a big deal since that mod is outdated.
Any news on whether this mod will be compatible with the upcoming July 22nd 1.0 update? We have made our own crafting recipes (With the creator permission) but it would still be nice to have some kind of bench or to simply have them added to the pixel printer from the start.