Tutorial Basic Patching Now With Path Guide [v1.9]

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by The | Suit, Sep 19, 2014.

  1. AstralGhost

    AstralGhost Pangalactic Porcupine

    1. That doesn't solve the error posted above.
    2. It uses invalid patch code that the user was already using before and therefore returns to previous errors.
    3. Keeping replace is only true if the user wanted to overwrite the tracks and not just add new ones, but this user probably just wants to add new ones not replace the entire list.

    I don't think any of that post was valid.

    Indeed, it doesn't know what "desert" is.
    Check inside the desert biome files and see if the name was changed internally. The file name doesn't matter as much as the name written inside of the JSON's "name" field.

    Edit: Ignore the above. I was getting confused because I'm not sure what is being edited here. I think the error is the result of the patch messing up the biome file and therefore causing the entire biome to fail when it is loaded.

    I don't know exactly what might cause this, because I don't have any code with me. Hopefully someone else can assist.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2014
  2. Osoreshi

    Osoreshi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Believe me, I've been working with replace lately. It works.
    Also he is using already used values. If he just wants those tracks to be added he doesn't need to edit the desert.biome in the first place.
  3. AstralGhost

    AstralGhost Pangalactic Porcupine

    Sorry, I thought it was his other code that wasn't working. I didn't notice that you corrected it. Still, I think my other two points are completely valid.

    I'm absolutely confused by this statement.
    If the user is wanting to add these tracks to the current tracks, how else would he do this besides add them to the file that lists the tracks to use? You aren't making any sense. What would he be editing then?
  4. Osoreshi

    Osoreshi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'll explain myself better. if you check his code, he is using 2 track names which are already in use by the game.
    The game will prioritize his assets instead of vanilla values. So, if he doesn't create a .patch for the said biome, game will still play all available tracks except for 2, which are the ones that he replaced.

    That's where it comes the part where I said he doesn't need to edit. If he wants to replace all tracks and just use those 2, he needs a patch, if he wants to add them, then he doesn't need anything else.
  5. AstralGhost

    AstralGhost Pangalactic Porcupine

    Okay, I got it now. Sorry for the confusion.

    Again, I don't have the code in front of me so I didn't realize these tracks were vanilla assets. And I also assumed that if they were, they were just placeholders for the music he was really wanting to add.
    I guess I didn't think that someone wanted to make a mod to actually REMOVE content from the game. That seems very silly to me, but whatever.

    Thanks for clarifying. :)
  6. Osoreshi

    Osoreshi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hahahaha, don't worry about it, always glad to help.
  7. Olxinos

    Olxinos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    They aren't in mine.

    "musicTrack" : {
        "day" : {
          "tracks" : [ "/music/epsilon-indi.ogg", "/music/hymn-to-the-stars.ogg", "/music/planetarium.ogg", "/music/procyon.ogg", "/music/stellarformation.ogg", "/music/vastimmortalsuns.ogg", "/music/atlas.ogg", "/music/blue-straggler.ogg", "/music/cygnus-x1.ogg", "/music/europa.ogg", "/music/haiku.ogg", "/music/M54.ogg", "/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ]
        "night" : {
          "tracks" : [ "/music/jupiter.ogg", "/music/arctic-constellation1.ogg", "/music/arctic-constellation2.ogg", "/music/mercury.ogg", "/music/mira.ogg", "/music/procyon.ogg", "/music/tranquility-base.ogg", "/music/psyche.ogg", "/music/accretion-Disc.ogg", "/music/cygnus-x1.ogg", "/music/eridanus-supervoid.ogg", "/music/horsehead-nebula.ogg", "/music/large-magellanic-cloud.ogg", "/music/M54.ogg", "/music/Nomads.ogg", "/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ]

    Well, anyway that's not that important: if he wants to add the tracks, my patch is fine, and if he wants to replace the old ones, yours is indeed fine (it's just that he used both the "last element pointer" and the "replace" operation, which is a bit confusing). But, I don't think it solves his last error (since the patches work with my desert.biome when you remove the comments, according to an online json patcher)
    So I see 3 possibilities:
    -we don't have the same desert.biome
    -he forgot to name it desert.biome.patch (instead of desert.biome)
    -none of those 2 and i have no clue of what it could be

      "name" : "desert",
      "friendlyName" : "Desert",
      "spawnProfiles" : [
          "groups" : [ "mediumsurface1" ],
          "extraSpawns" : [ "sunskipper", "goldbuck" ]
          "groups" : [ "mediumsurface2" ],
          "extraSpawns" : [ "sunskipper", "sandclown" ]
      "hueShiftOptions" : [-56, -45, -16, -26, 0],
      "weather" : [
        [0, [
      "skyOptions" : [
          "mainColor" : [255, 255, 255],
          "morningColors" : [ [255, 224, 129], [252, 230, 164] ],
          "dayColors" : [ [255, 152, 107], [255, 183, 152] ],
          "eveningColors" : [ [254, 121, 69], [254, 165, 129] ],
          "nightColors" : [ [60, 0, 0], [20, 0, 0] ],
          "morningLightColor" : [202, 177, 100],
          "dayLightColor" : [202, 138, 100],
          "eveningLightColor" : [202, 100, 100],
          "nightLightColor" : [40, 17, 17]
          "mainColor" : [255, 255, 255],
          "morningColors" : [ [255, 151, 153], [255, 196, 197] ],
          "dayColors" : [ [233, 179, 255], [245, 221, 225] ],
          "eveningColors" : [ [195, 151, 255], [233, 217, 255] ],
          "nightColors" : [ [60, 0, 0], [20, 0, 0] ],
          "morningLightColor" : [176, 81, 83],
          "dayLightColor" : [182, 137, 200],
          "eveningLightColor" : [150, 115, 199],
          "nightLightColor" : [56, 17, 17]
          "mainColor" : [255, 255, 255],
          "morningColors" : [ [203, 167, 56], [203, 108, 56] ],
          "dayColors" : [ [179, 223, 251], [190, 190, 210] ],
          "eveningColors" : [ [201, 169, 59], [195, 47, 44] ],
          "nightColors" : [ [40, 0, 60], [10, 0, 20] ],
          "morningLightColor" : [158, 121, 42],
          "dayLightColor" : [190, 190, 210],
          "eveningLightColor" : [124, 50, 38],
          "nightLightColor" : [17, 19, 56]
          "mainColor" : [255, 255, 255],
          "morningColors" : [ [140, 140, 180], [120, 120, 180] ],
          "dayColors" : [ [190, 190, 210], [170, 170, 210] ],
          "eveningColors" : [ [160, 120, 180], [140, 100, 180] ],
          "nightColors" : [ [40, 0, 60], [10, 0, 20] ],
          "morningLightColor" : [140, 140, 180],
          "dayLightColor" : [190, 190, 210],
          "eveningLightColor" : [160, 120, 180],
          "nightLightColor" : [26, 26, 31]
          "mainColor" : [255, 255, 255],
          "morningColors" : [ [227, 209, 123], [244, 196, 66] ],
          "dayColors" : [ [197, 236, 246], [133, 185, 235] ],
          "eveningColors" : [ [246, 220, 186], [246, 177, 88] ],
          "nightColors" : [ [40, 0, 60], [10, 0, 20] ],
          "morningLightColor" : [192, 174, 126],
          "dayLightColor" : [190, 202, 204],
          "eveningLightColor" : [192, 125, 80],
          "nightLightColor" : [26, 26, 31]
          "mainColor" : [255, 255, 255],
          "morningColors" : [ [219, 119, 184], [246, 153, 177] ],
          "dayColors" : [ [197, 236, 246], [133, 185, 235] ],
          "eveningColors" : [ [189, 143, 172], [255, 194, 192] ],
          "nightColors" : [ [40, 0, 60], [10, 0, 20] ],
          "morningLightColor" : [200, 158, 169],
          "dayLightColor" : [190, 202, 204],
          "eveningLightColor" : [163, 134, 134],
          "nightLightColor" : [29, 26, 31]
          "mainColor" : [255, 255, 255],
          "morningColors" : [ [255, 167, 152], [255, 163, 208] ],
          "dayColors" : [ [228, 152, 169], [243, 205, 193] ],
          "eveningColors" : [ [221, 186, 235], [247, 73, 121] ],
          "nightColors" : [ [40, 0, 60], [10, 0, 20] ],
          "morningLightColor" : [195, 156, 149],
          "dayLightColor" : [197, 184, 182],
          "eveningLightColor" : [197, 98, 126],
          "nightLightColor" : [28, 14, 14]
          "mainColor" : [255, 255, 255],
          "morningColors" : [ [200, 24, 0], [252, 30, 0] ],
          "dayColors" : [ [200, 52, 7], [255, 83, 52] ],
          "eveningColors" : [ [200, 21, 0], [254, 65, 29] ],
          "nightColors" : [ [80, 0, 0], [40, 0, 0] ],
          "morningLightColor" : [100, 77, 0],
          "dayLightColor" : [100, 38, 0],
          "eveningLightColor" : [100, 0, 0],
          "nightLightColor" : [40, 17, 17]
          "mainColor" : [255, 255, 255],
          "morningColors" : [ [230, 129, 204], [230, 164, 210] ],
          "dayColors" : [ [230, 107, 132], [230, 152, 163] ],
          "eveningColors" : [ [230, 69, 101], [230, 129, 145] ],
          "nightColors" : [ [0, 0, 60], [0, 0, 20] ],
          "morningLightColor" : [240, 100, 202],
          "dayLightColor" : [240, 100, 202],
          "eveningLightColor" : [240, 100, 202],
          "nightLightColor" : [17, 17, 40]
      "mainBlock" : "sand2",
      "subBlocks" : [ "sand", "sandstone01", "rock17" ],
      "ores" : "surfaceOres",
      "parallax" : "desert.parallax",
      "undergroundParallax" : "desert.undergroundparallax",
      "ambientNoises" : {
        "day" : {
          "tracks" : [ "/sfx/environmental/desert_day.ogg" ]
        "night" : {
          "tracks" : [ "/sfx/environmental/desert_night.ogg" ]
      "musicTrack" : {
        "day" : {
          "tracks" : [ "/music/epsilon-indi.ogg", "/music/hymn-to-the-stars.ogg", "/music/planetarium.ogg", "/music/procyon.ogg", "/music/stellarformation.ogg", "/music/vastimmortalsuns.ogg", "/music/atlas.ogg", "/music/blue-straggler.ogg", "/music/cygnus-x1.ogg", "/music/europa.ogg", "/music/haiku.ogg", "/music/M54.ogg", "/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ]
        "night" : {
          "tracks" : [ "/music/jupiter.ogg", "/music/arctic-constellation1.ogg", "/music/arctic-constellation2.ogg", "/music/mercury.ogg", "/music/mira.ogg", "/music/procyon.ogg", "/music/tranquility-base.ogg", "/music/psyche.ogg", "/music/accretion-Disc.ogg", "/music/cygnus-x1.ogg", "/music/eridanus-supervoid.ogg", "/music/horsehead-nebula.ogg", "/music/large-magellanic-cloud.ogg", "/music/M54.ogg", "/music/Nomads.ogg", "/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ]
      "surfacePlaceables" : {
        "grassMod" : [ "sand" ],
        "grassModDensity" : 0.9,
        "items" : [
            "mode" : "floor",
            "priority" : 3.0,
            "variants" : 1,
            "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:tiyDist",
            "type" : "microdungeon",
            "microdungeons" : [ "block1platforms", "loops", "spiralspikes", "blocks", "stripeblocks", "blockpile", "reversepyramids", "flats", "spikes", "rods", "wiggles", "rockyshapes", "layeredspire", "blank", "none" ]
            "mode" : "floor",
            "priority" : 1.0,
            "variants" : 1,
            "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:potsRare",
            "type" : "object",
            "objectSets" : [
                "pool" : [ [0.35, "capsulesmall" ], [0.35, "capsulemed" ], [0.35, "capsulebig" ] ],
                "parameters" : { }
            "mode" : "floor",
            "priority" : 0.0,
            "variants" : 1,
            "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:overgroundChests",
            "type" : "treasureBox",
            "treasureBoxSets" : [ "desertChest" ]
            "mode" : "floor",
            "priority" : 0.0,
            "variants" : 1,
            "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:overgroundRareChests",
            "type" : "treasureBox",
            "treasureBoxSets" : [ "weaponChest" ]
            "mode" : "floor",
            "priority" : 1.0,
            "variants" : 1,
            "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:overgroundRareChests",
            "type" : "object",
            "objectSets" : [
                "pool" : [ [1, "statuspod" ] ],
                "parameters" : { }
            "mode" : "floor",
            "priority" : 3.0,
            "variants" : 1,
            "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:scatteredSmall",
            "type" : "grass",
            "grasses" : [ "pebbles" ]
            "mode" : "floor",
            "priority" : 3.0,
            "variants" : 1,
            "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:tiyDistTerrainfeatures",
            "type" : "microdungeon",
            "microdungeons" : [ "terrainfeatures" ]
            "mode" : "floor",
            "priority" : 3.0,
            "variants" : 1,
            "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:randomEncounter",
            "type" : "microdungeon",
            "microdungeons" : [ "randomencounter", "avianencounter", "glitchencounter" ]
            "mode" : "floor",
            "priority" : 3.0,
            "variants" : 1,
            "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:minibossoverground",
            "type" : "microdungeon",
            "microdungeons" : [ "minibossoverground" ]
            "mode" : "floor",
            "priority" : 3.0,
            "variants" : 1,
            "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:tiyDistPlatform",
            "type" : "microdungeon",
            "microdungeons" : [ "aridplatforming" ]
            "mode" : "floor",
            "priority" : 1.0,
            "variants" : 1,
            "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:rareClumpyLarge",
            "type" : "tree",
            "treeFoliageHueShiftMax" : 180,
            "treeStemHueShiftMax" : 15,
            "treeStemList" : [ "desertpalm", "alienpalm", "bark", "beach", "blank", "cactus", "cross", "palm", "plain", "twirl" ],
            "treeFoliageList" : [ "palmleaves", "palmy", "roseleaves", "lushleaves", "palmlush", "elegant" ]
            "mode" : "floor",
            "priority" : 1.0,
            "variants" : 1,
            "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:rare",
            "type" : "tree",
            "treeFoliageHueShiftMax" : 35,
            "treeStemHueShiftMax" : 15,
            "treeStemList" : [ "cactus" ],
            "treeFoliageList" : [ "cactusflowers", "bigflowers", "nothing" ]
            "mode" : "floor",
            "priority" : 1.0,
            "variants" : 1,
            "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:surfaceCrops",
            "type" : "object",
            "objectSets" : [
                "pool" : [ [1, "wildbeakseedseed" ] ],
                "parameters" : {
                  "startingStage" : 3
      "undergroundPlaceables" : {
        "grassMod" : [ "sand" ],
        "grassModDensity" : 0.9,
        "items" : [
            "mode" : "floor",
            "priority" : 1.0,
            "variants" : 1,
            "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundCapsules",
            "type" : "object",
            "objectSets" : [
                "pool" : [ [0.8, "capsulesmall" ], [0.2, "capsulemed" ] ],
                "parameters" : { }
            "mode" : "floor",
            "priority" : 0.0,
            "variants" : 1,
            "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundChests",
            "type" : "treasureBox",
            "treasureBoxSets" : [ "basicChest" ]
            "mode" : "floor",
            "priority" : 0.0,
            "variants" : 1,
            "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundtechChests",
            "type" : "treasureBox",
            "treasureBoxSets" : [ "techChest" ]
            "mode" : "floor",
            "priority" : 1.0,
            "variants" : 1,
            "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundChests",
            "type" : "object",
            "objectSets" : [
                "pool" : [ [1, "statuspod" ] ],
                "parameters" : { }
            "mode" : "floor",
            "priority" : 0.0,
            "variants" : 1,
            "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundChests",
            "type" : "treasureBox",
            "treasureBoxSets" : [ "weaponChest" ]
            "mode" : "floor",
            "priority" : 1.0,
            "variants" : 1,
            "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:scatteredSmall",
            "type" : "grass",
            "grasses" : [ "pebbles" ]
  8. Delta Junkies Gaming

    Delta Junkies Gaming Intergalactic Tourist

    hey Dude how would i replace stuff in the oredistributions.configfunctions file the surface ores and sub surface ores

    would you help me out and make the code for the patch file for me
  9. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Ok I am back (sort of)
    Anywho if you want the quick and dirty way to do it - and too lazy to figure it out. Use this link

    Just post the original file on the left side - what you want the file to look like on the right side.
    The program will generate the code on the bottom. But keep in mind complex patches made by this - are usually not compatible with other mods.

    If you want to learn something and make it compatible - read below
    Anywho I am going to be using this as my code sample

      "surfaceOres" : [
        [0.5, [ [ "coal", 1.40], [ "uranium", 0.00], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.00], [ "copper", 0.20], [ "silverore", 0.20], [ "gold", 0.20], [ "platinum", 0.20], [ "diamond", 0.20], [ "iron", 0.20] ] ],
        [1.5, [ [ "coal", 1.40], [ "uranium", 0.00], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.00], [ "copper", 0.20], [ "silverore", 0.20], [ "gold", 0.20], [ "platinum", 0.20], [ "diamond", 0.20], [ "iron", 0.20] ] ],
        [2.5, [ [ "coal", 1.40], [ "uranium", 0.00], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.00], [ "copper", 0.20], [ "silverore", 0.20], [ "gold", 0.20], [ "platinum", 0.20], [ "diamond", 0.20], [ "titanium", 0.20] ] ],
        [3.5, [ [ "coal", 1.40], [ "uranium", 0.50], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.00], [ "copper", 0.20], [ "silverore", 0.20], [ "gold", 0.20], [ "platinum", 0.20], [ "diamond", 0.20], [ "titanium", 0.20] ] ],
        [4.5, [ [ "coal", 1.40], [ "uranium", 0.00], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.00], [ "copper", 0.20], [ "silverore", 0.20], [ "gold", 0.20], [ "platinum", 0.20], [ "diamond", 0.20], [ "aegisalt", 0.20], [ "rubium", 0.20], [ "violium", 0.20] ] ],
        [5.5, [ [ "coal", 1.40], [ "uranium", 0.00], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.20], [ "copper", 0.20], [ "silverore", 0.20], [ "gold", 0.20], [ "platinum", 0.20], [ "diamond", 0.20], [ "aegisalt", 0.20], [ "rubium", 0.20], [ "violium", 0.20] ] ]
    With the new patching system - this thing is really easy when you look at it properly.

    Now to understand basic patching we need to understand how it is numbered.
    Inside the surface ores array we have 6 groups - numbered from 0 - 5.

      [0.5, [ [ "coal", 1.40], [ "uranium", 0.00], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.00], [ "copper", 0.20], [ "silverore", 0.20], [ "gold", 0.20], [ "platinum", 0.20], [ "diamond", 0.20], [ "iron", 0.20] ] ],
    This is an example of group 0

    Now inside group 0 we have 2 sets of data.
    [ [ "coal", 1.40], [ "uranium", 0.00], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.00], [ "copper", 0.20], [ "silverore", 0.20], [ "gold", 0.20], [ "platinum", 0.20], [ "diamond", 0.20], [ "iron", 0.20] ] ],
    So these would be 0, 1 respectively when numbered.

    Now inside the group 1 we have 10 groups, numbered 0 - 9 respectively.
    So say we want to modify only plutonium, when you count the datasets, plutonium is the 3rd one. But since we are counting from 0, it becomes the 2nd one. So the code would be

    [ {
    "value":  [ "plutonium", 9.00]
    And that's it, it replaces plutonium with the value of 9.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2015
    Olxinos likes this.
  10. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Updated to 1.3
    Updated Tutorial to include a Section Dedicated to only Pathing.

    I think with the 2 new path examples - that should clarify 90% of issues.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2015
    Dunto and Osoreshi like this.
  11. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Updated to 1.4
    Example of how to add how to add non existing value to root of document
    Osoreshi and Dunto like this.
  12. apinanaivot

    apinanaivot Cosmic Narwhal

    Thank you very much
  13. Wise Nyt

    Wise Nyt Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hey, so I've practiced the first mod tutorial and I've read this a few times so I thought it was time I tried to make a basic mod of my own. I wanted to make a weapon and add it to the tier 1 (array?) on the player.config file at the bottom. I checked a few of the mods I downloaded to use as a reference to if I was doing things right and saw that they all said "Merge" instead of "add". I was just curious about that, I tired using it but JSON failed it.
    I'll give you an example of what I mean:
    I used your example on my file and naturally it worked.
    Example of good JSON.png
    But then I used this one from one of your test mods (I also used for reference)
    Example of bad JSON.png

    I'm not sure if I missed something or if it even matters at my stage, I just wanted to know what it was because I don't think it was covered. (Unless I some how missed it)
    I haven't exactly learnt how to interpret the errors and what they mean. I can when its an error like :
    "name" : My first weapon mod",
    "path" : ".",
    "dependencies" : []
    and it tells me the mistake, I understand those. but the log on the right, I don't really understand it yet.
  14. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    One of my test mods? :p
    That mod must be ancient if I am using merge.

    Merge is no longer supported in upbeat giraffe only Enraged Koala and earlier.
    Use the patching system from now on and you should be gravy.
  15. Wise Nyt

    Wise Nyt Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Oh, alright thanks.[DOUBLEPOST=1421439678][/DOUBLEPOST]Hey, is there any chance you could update your mod? I just find it easier when I got something to compare the process to.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2015
  16. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Which one are you looking at exactly?
    SBNO - is a massive mod in its own right. [ around 400 files ]
    I am working on 2.0 but that will take a while for it to come out.

    If you want a mod to reference I suggest either Frackin Flora or Your Starbound Crew - both have upbeat giraffe versions.
    If you need help with anything just post a message - all the regular modders who hang out in this form are great guys \ gals. So you don't have to worry about asking anytype of question or worry if it is stupid or not.
  17. Wise Nyt

    Wise Nyt Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Probably the test mods since they are fairly basic and gives me something to play with while I learn. I'll try checking out the two mods you mentioned and thanks for the all support. Hopefully when I get good enough at this I will be able to give as much back to the community as I got from you lot, maybe even more if I can help it :D
    The | Suit likes this.
  18. Wise Nyt

    Wise Nyt Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hey, again I don't know which tutorial I'd write this in since I don't think its covered in any, at least not as I understood it. I wanted to just change some music around, I think I could mange it but I wanted to do it the proper way (not a dirty edit) and wanted to put in a mod folder where it works with other mods etc...
    So I looked into the file to see what I'd have to do, but well...
    An example of something I do not understand.png
    I have no idea what any of this means. I spent a while looking at terms and strings and used The 'Starbound Crew mod' to see how it should look but I just couldn't work anything out.
    I don't know how to go about this. If its to advanced for me I can practice other stuff but I was just curious that's all.

    Attached Files:

  19. Olxinos

    Olxinos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This... is an audio file ._.
    I mean, a real song, the thing you play with your media player. What are you trying to do by opening an audio file with a text editor? If you want to edit one you'd better use audacity or something like that; it doesn't contain text.
    I am confused.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2015
    The | Suit likes this.
  20. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    You are confusing .abc music file and ogg.
    .abc files = instrument based music which you can edit with text editor
    ogg files = lossless encoded audio - which cannot be edited with text editor.

    Here if you need an abc guide
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2015

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