Tutorial Basic Patching Now With Path Guide [v1.9]

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by The | Suit, Sep 19, 2014.

  1. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    You literally took a picture of your screen.....
    You know you could have just copied the code into the post and used
    [code] [/code] tags.

    Once you paste the code in properly ill check it out.
      Example: example
  2. gregus1234

    gregus1234 Void-Bound Voyager


    "commandName" : "enableuniversalprotectiontech",
    "onlyOnce" : true,
    "icon" : "universalprotection.png",
    "actions" : [
    "itemsRequired" : [ ["upgrademodule", 15], ["refinedrubium", 10] ],
    "moneyRequired" : 20000
    "action" : "DisableCommand",
    "command" : "enableuniversalprotecttech"
    "action" : "showTech",
    "techName" : [ "universalprotection" ]

    "speciesText" : {
    "apex" : {
    "buttonText" : "Włącz implant Uniwersalna Ochrona",
    "selectSpeech" : [
    "animation" : "talk",
    "text" : "Ten impant chroni cię przed każdym zagrożeniem ze strony środowiska (promieniowanie, gorąco, mróz i trucizna). Dodatkowo produkuje tlen. potrzebujesz ^green;15 modułów ulepszeń, 20000 piskeli i 10 sztabek Rubium^white;.",
    "speedModifier" : 1.0
    "successSpeech" : [
    "animation" : "talk",
    "text" : "^green;Powodzenie! ^#aee1ee;Swój implant znajdziesz w Technologiach.",
    "speedModifier" : 1.0
    "failSpeech" : [
    "animation" : "talk",
    "text" : "Niepowodzenie",
    "speedModifier" : 1.0
    "avian" : {
    "buttonText" : "Włącz implant Uniwersalna Ochrona",
    "selectSpeech" : [
    "animation" : "talk",
    "text" : "Ten impant chroni cię przed każdym zagrożeniem ze strony środowiska (promieniowanie, gorąco, mróz i trucizna). Dodatkowo produkuje tlen.",
    "speedModifier" : 1.0
    "successSpeech" : [
    "animation" : "talk",
    "text" : "^green;Powodzenie! ^#aee1ee;Swój implant znajdziesz w Technologiach.",
    "speedModifier" : 1.0
    "failSpeech" : [
    "animation" : "talk",
    "text" : "Niepowodzenie",
    "speedModifier" : 1.0
    "floran" : {
    "buttonText" : "Włącz implant Uniwersalna Ochrona",
    "selectSpeech" : [
    "animation" : "talk",
    "text" : "Ten impant chroni cię przed każdym zagrożeniem ze strony środowiska (promieniowanie, gorąco, mróz i trucizna). Dodatkowo produkuje tlen.",
    "speedModifier" : 1.0
    "successSpeech" : [
    "animation" : "talk",
    "text" : "^green;Powodzenie! ^#aee1ee;Swój implant znajdziesz w Technologiach.",
    "speedModifier" : 1.0
    "failSpeech" : [
    "animation" : "talk",
    "text" : "Niepowodzenie",
    "speedModifier" : 1.0
    "glitch" : {
    "buttonText" : "Włącz implant Uniwersalna Ochrona",
    "selectSpeech" : [
    "animation" : "talk",
    "text" : "Ten impant chroni cię przed każdym zagrożeniem ze strony środowiska (promieniowanie, gorąco, mróz i trucizna). Dodatkowo produkuje tlen.",
    "speedModifier" : 1.0
    "successSpeech" : [
    "animation" : "talk",
    "text" : "^green;Powodzenie! ^#aee1ee;Swój implant znajdziesz w Technologiach.",
    "speedModifier" : 1.0
    "failSpeech" : [
    "animation" : "talk",
    "text" : "Niepowodzenie",
    "speedModifier" : 1.0
    "human" : {
    "buttonText" : "Włącz implant Uniwersalna Ochrona",
    "selectSpeech" : [
    "animation" : "talk",
    "text" : "Ten impant chroni cię przed każdym zagrożeniem ze strony środowiska (promieniowanie, gorąco, mróz i trucizna). Dodatkowo produkuje tlen.",
    "speedModifier" : 1.0
    "successSpeech" : [
    "animation" : "talk",
    "text" : "^green;Powodzenie! ^#aee1ee;Swój implant znajdziesz w Technologiach.",
    "speedModifier" : 1.0
    "failSpeech" : [
    "animation" : "talk",
    "text" : "Niepowodzenie",
    "speedModifier" : 1.0
    "novakid" : {
    "buttonText" : "Włącz implant Uniwersalna Ochrona",
    "selectSpeech" : [
    "animation" : "talk",
    "text" : "Ten impant chroni cię przed każdym zagrożeniem ze strony środowiska (promieniowanie, gorąco, mróz i trucizna). Dodatkowo produkuje tlen.",
    "speedModifier" : 1.0
    "successSpeech" : [
    "animation" : "talk",
    "text" : "^green;Powodzenie! ^#aee1ee;Swój implant znajdziesz w Technologiach.",
    "speedModifier" : 1.0
    "failSpeech" : [
    "animation" : "talk",
    "text" : "Niepowodzenie",
    "speedModifier" : 1.0
    "penguin" : {
    "buttonText" : "Włącz implant Uniwersalna Ochrona",
    "selectSpeech" : [
    "animation" : "talk",
    "text" : "Ten impant chroni cię przed każdym zagrożeniem ze strony środowiska (promieniowanie, gorąco, mróz i trucizna). Dodatkowo produkuje tlen.",
    "speedModifier" : 1.0
    "successSpeech" : [
    "animation" : "talk",
    "text" : "^green;Powodzenie! ^#aee1ee;Swój implant znajdziesz w Technologiach.",
    "speedModifier" : 1.0
    "failSpeech" : [
    "animation" : "talk",
    "text" : "Niepowodzenie",
    "speedModifier" : 1.0
    "hylotl" : {
    "buttonText" : "Włącz implant Uniwersalna Ochrona",
    "selectSpeech" : [
    "animation" : "talk",
    "text" : "Ten impant chroni cię przed każdym zagrożeniem ze strony środowiska (promieniowanie, gorąco, mróz i trucizna). Dodatkowo produkuje tlen.",
    "speedModifier" : 1.0
    "successSpeech" : [
    "animation" : "talk",
    "text" : "^green;Powodzenie! ^#aee1ee;Swój implant znajdziesz w Technologiach.",
    "speedModifier" : 1.0
    "failSpeech" : [
    "animation" : "talk",
    "text" : "Niepowodzenie",
    "speedModifier" : 1.0

      "op": "add",
      "path": "/actions",
              "action" : "EnableCommand",
              "command" : "enableuniversalprotecionttech"
    Also thanks for advice for the future :)
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2016
  3. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    There is no Upgrade ship 8 ai command file for me.
    Is that part of vanilla?

    Can you copy the contents of the file you are trying to patch into also.
  4. gregus1234

    gregus1234 Void-Bound Voyager

    Yes, this is part of vanilla (H:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Starbound\assets\unpacked\ai\upgradeship8.aicommand).

      "commandName" : "upgradeShip8",
      "icon" : "thrusters.png",
      "actions" : [
      "action" : "PlayCinematic",
      "itemsRequired" : [ ["upgrademodule", 10] ],
      "moneyRequired" : 0,
      "cinematicConfig" : "/cinematics/repair/apex/repair.cinematic"
      "action" : "UpgradeShip",
      "shipParameters" : {
      "shipLevel" : 8
      "action" : "DisableCommand",
      "command" : "upgradeShip8"
      "action" : "showTech",
      "techName" : [ "targetblinktech", "particlethrust" ]
      "speciesText" : {
      "apex" : {
      "buttonText" : "Upgrade Ship to Condor Class",
      "selectSpeech" : [
      "animation" : "talk",
      "text" : "I see you got your Condor license! ^green;Now we can upgrade your ship. If you bring me ^orange;10 upgrade modules ^green;I'll initiate the upgrade procedure.",
      "speedModifier" : 1.0
      "successSpeech" : [
      "animation" : "yell",
      "text" : "The upgrade is complete! You've finally reached the limit of this ship's ability to self-upgrade. If there's any way to make a ship finer than this, the knowledge is hidden out there among the stars...",
      "speedModifier" : 1.0
      "failSpeech" : [
      "animation" : "refuse",
      "text" : "Failure! ^green;You've not yet gathered the required materials.",
      "speedModifier" : 1.0
      "avian" : {
      "buttonText" : "Upgrade Ship to Condor Class",
      "selectSpeech" : [
      "animation" : "talk",
      "text" : "I see you got your Condor license! ^green;Now we can upgrade your ship. If you bring me ^orange;10 upgrade modules ^green;I'll initiate the upgrade procedure.",
      "speedModifier" : 1.0
      "successSpeech" : [
      "animation" : "talk",
      "text" : "The upgrade is complete! You've finally reached the limit of this ship's ability to self-upgrade. If there's any way to make a ship finer than this, the knowledge is hidden out there among the stars...",
      "speedModifier" : 1.0
      "failSpeech" : [
      "animation" : "refuse",
      "text" : "Failure! ^green;You've not yet gathered the required materials.",
      "speedModifier" : 1.0
      "floran" : {
      "buttonText" : "Upgrade Ship to Condor Class",
      "selectSpeech" : [
      "animation" : "talk",
      "text" : "I see you got your Condor license! ^green;Now we can upgrade your ship. If you bring me ^orange;10 upgrade modules ^green;I'll initiate the upgrade procedure.",
      "speedModifier" : 1.0
      "successSpeech" : [
      "animation" : "talk",
      "text" : "The upgrade is complete! You've finally reached the limit of this ship's ability to self-upgrade. If there's any way to make a ship finer than this, the knowledge is hidden out there among the stars...",
      "speedModifier" : 1.0
      "failSpeech" : [
      "animation" : "refuse",
      "text" : "Failure! ^green;You've not yet gathered the required materials.",
      "speedModifier" : 1.0
      "glitch" : {
      "buttonText" : "Upgrade Ship to Condor Class",
      "selectSpeech" : [
      "animation" : "talk",
      "text" : "I see you got your Condor license! ^green;Now we can upgrade your ship. If you bring me ^orange;10 upgrade modules ^green;I'll initiate the upgrade procedure.",
      "speedModifier" : 1.0
      "successSpeech" : [
      "animation" : "talk",
      "text" : "The upgrade is complete! You've finally reached the limit of this ship's ability to self-upgrade. If there's any way to make a ship finer than this, the knowledge is hidden out there among the stars...",
      "speedModifier" : 1.0
      "failSpeech" : [
      "animation" : "refuse",
      "text" : "Failure! ^green;You've not yet gathered the required materials.",
      "speedModifier" : 1.0
      "human" : {
      "buttonText" : "Upgrade Ship to Condor Class",
      "selectSpeech" : [
      "animation" : "talk",
      "text" : "I see you got your Condor license! ^green;Now we can upgrade your ship. If you bring me ^orange;10 upgrade modules ^green;I'll initiate the upgrade procedure.",
      "speedModifier" : 1.0
      "successSpeech" : [
      "animation" : "talk",
      "text" : "The upgrade is complete! You've finally reached the limit of this ship's ability to self-upgrade. If there's any way to make a ship finer than this, the knowledge is hidden out there among the stars...",
      "speedModifier" : 1.0
      "failSpeech" : [
      "animation" : "refuse",
      "text" : "Failure! ^green;You've not yet gathered the required materials.",
      "speedModifier" : 1.0
      "novakid" : {
      "buttonText" : "Upgrade Ship to Condor Class",
      "selectSpeech" : [
      "animation" : "talk",
      "text" : "I see you got your Condor license! ^green;Now we can upgrade your ship. If you bring me ^orange;10 upgrade modules ^green;I'll initiate the upgrade procedure.",
      "speedModifier" : 1.0
      "successSpeech" : [
      "animation" : "talk",
      "text" : "The upgrade is complete! You've finally reached the limit of this ship's ability to self-upgrade. If there's any way to make a ship finer than this, the knowledge is hidden out there among the stars...",
      "speedModifier" : 1.0
      "failSpeech" : [
      "animation" : "refuse",
      "text" : "Failure! ^green;You've not yet gathered the required materials.",
      "speedModifier" : 1.0
      "penguin" : {
      "buttonText" : "Upgrade Ship to Condor Class",
      "selectSpeech" : [
      "animation" : "talk",
      "text" : "I see you got your Condor license! ^green;Now we can upgrade your ship. If you bring me ^orange;10 upgrade modules ^green;I'll initiate the upgrade procedure.",
      "speedModifier" : 1.0
      "successSpeech" : [
      "animation" : "talk",
      "text" : "The upgrade is complete! You've finally reached the limit of this ship's ability to self-upgrade. If there's any way to make a ship finer than this, the knowledge is hidden out there among the stars...",
      "speedModifier" : 1.0
      "failSpeech" : [
      "animation" : "refuse",
      "text" : "Failure! ^green;You've not yet gathered the required materials.",
      "speedModifier" : 1.0
      "hylotl" : {
      "buttonText" : "Upgrade Ship to Condor Class",
      "selectSpeech" : [
      "animation" : "talk",
      "text" : "I see you got your Condor license! ^green;Now we can upgrade your ship. If you bring me ^orange;10 upgrade modules ^green;I'll initiate the upgrade procedure.",
      "speedModifier" : 1.0
      "successSpeech" : [
      "animation" : "talk",
      "text" : "The upgrade is complete! You've finally reached the limit of this ship's ability to self-upgrade. If there's any way to make a ship finer than this, the knowledge is hidden out there among the stars...",
      "speedModifier" : 1.0
      "failSpeech" : [
      "animation" : "refuse",
      "text" : "Failure! ^green;You've not yet gathered the required materials.",
      "speedModifier" : 1.0

    I want to add addictional action by patch here which enables my tech only:

    "actions" : [
      "action" : "PlayCinematic",
      "itemsRequired" : [ ["upgrademodule", 10] ],
      "moneyRequired" : 0,
      "cinematicConfig" : "/cinematics/repair/apex/repair.cinematic"
      "action" : "UpgradeShip",
      "shipParameters" : {
      "shipLevel" : 8
      "action" : "DisableCommand",
      "command" : "upgradeShip8"
      "action" : "showTech",
      "techName" : [ "targetblinktech", "particlethrust" ]
  5. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Not really sure what you mean by your feature only.
    You want to disable the others ?

    This should add the tech
      "op": "add",
      "path": "/actions/-",
              "action" : "EnableCommand",
              "command" : "enableuniversalprotecionttech"
    Though keep in mind in the next version it is slightly different.
  6. gregus1234

    gregus1234 Void-Bound Voyager

    You wrote you haven't upgradeship8.aicommand file

    I got the same error as earlier.
    [01:34:27.321] Info: Loading QuestTemplateDatabase
    [01:34:27.381] Info: Done loading QuestTemplateDatabase in 0.0610001 seconds
    [01:34:27.381] Info: Loading AiDatabase
    [01:34:27.475] Info: Loading TechDatabase
    [01:34:27.489] Info: Done loading TechDatabase in 0.0139999 seconds
    [01:34:27.490] Error: Exception raised during Root finishLoad: (JsonException) No such key in Json::get("action")
    [0] 1400b1933
    [1] 1400ae2c8
    [2] 13fe92415
    [3] 1400cd865
    [4] 1400c7e46
    [5] 13fb74262
    [6] 13fccd9cc
    [7] 13fcd01cd
    [8] 13fcd058c
    [9] 13fcccde2
    [10] 13fccb563
    [11] 13fa8cd45
    [12] 13fa897ea
    [13] 13fa86b42
    [14] 13fa887d0
    [15] 13fa896f9
    [16] 13fa8910c
    [17] 13fa8885e
    [18] 13fa8872e
    [19] 13fa934b2
    [20] 1401170ca
    [21] 1401169d1
    [22] 1400c5f0d
    [23] 771b59bd BaseThreadInitThunk
    [24] 773ea2e1 RtlUserThreadStart
    [01:34:27.496] Info: Renderer destroyed
    [01:34:27.603] Info: Shutting down Star::Root
    [01:34:27.982] Error: Fatal Exception caught: (StarException) An error occurred during loading: (JsonException) No such key in Json::get("action")
  7. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Are you on Stable or Nightly?
    The code it self should be right - but it is simply saying it can't find that action.

    So I would look at your Tech AI code part.
    Otherwise add Universal Tech directly into Ai config at the part of enable Ai commands at level.
    If you add it directly in there - and it is not showing up. The issue is with the Ai command it self.
  8. gregus1234

    gregus1234 Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm on stable version.
    Adding code directly should work, but i want use .patch file method, because my translation must be for further updates without often updating.
    Mean you code from universalprotection.lua, universalprotection.tech, universalprotection.techitem or other?
  9. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    the universal ai command. - add that to ai.config file the last area.
    Then level up the ship to that level - it should automatically add it.

    If it doesn't the issue is with the aicommand file.
  10. gregus1234

    gregus1234 Void-Bound Voyager

    I've added this to level 7, but observed enableuniversalprotectiontech.aicommand crashes always game..
    I don't know where is problem..

    EDIT: I'll make this tommorow, I have to go sleep
  11. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Now you know where the problem is.
  12. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    Disregard this post. My page wasn't refreshed so I didn't see all the posts.
  13. gregus1234

    gregus1234 Void-Bound Voyager

    OK, I think that problem has solved.
    I found this error which crashes my game. I forgot about one small thing after few tests:
    "actions" : [
      "itemsRequired" : [ ["upgrademodule", 15], ["refinedrubium", 10] ],
      "moneyRequired" : 20000

    And should be:
    "actions" : [
        "action" : "showTech",
        "itemsRequired" : [ ["upgrademodule", 15], ["refinedrubium", 10] ],
        "moneyRequired" : 20000,
        "techName" : [ "universalprotection" ]

    After made this fix, game has started, uff. Also thank you for your help The | Suit :)
  14. pfeilspitze

    pfeilspitze Space Hobo

    when I use the asset unpacker in win32, nothing happens. I'm new here.
  15. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    There are several posts around about how to unpack the assets.
  16. pfeilspitze

    pfeilspitze Space Hobo

    and they don't work for me. it said it created the location for unpacking, suddenly my game would crash and not open.
  17. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    make sure to name the folder the assets are dumped into with an _ first, IE _unpacked, otherwise it will attempt to load those unpacked assets and will crash due to duplicate names.
  18. PerfyNormal

    PerfyNormal Subatomic Cosmonaut

    How do I "add" a value at a certain spot within an array?
    I'm trying to turn

        "names" : [
          [ "none-gold" , "blank-gold" , "parchment-gold" , "blackboard-gold" , "glass-gold" , "hazard-gold", "none-gold-wired" , "blank-gold-wired" , "parchment-gold-wired" , "blackboard-gold-wired" , "glass-gold-wired", "hazard-gold-wired" ],
          [ "none-wood" , "blank-wood" , "parchment-wood" , "blackboard-wood" , "glass-wood" , "hazard-wood", "none-wood-wired" , "blank-wood-wired" , "parchment-wood-wired" , "blackboard-wood-wired" , "glass-wood-wired", "hazard-wood-wired" ],
          [ "none-grey" , "blank-grey" , "parchment-grey" , "blackboard-grey" , "glass-grey" ,"hazard-grey", "none-grey-wired" , "blank-grey-wired" , "parchment-grey-wired" , "blackboard-grey-wired" , "glass-grey-wired" , "hazard-grey-wired"],
          [ "none-white" , "blank-white" , "parchment-white" , "blackboard-white" , "glass-white" , "hazard-white", "none-white-wired" , "blank-white-wired" , "parchment-white-wired" , "blackboard-white-wired" , "glass-white-wired" , "hazard-white-wired"],
          [ "none-black" , "blank-black" , "parchment-black" , "blackboard-black" , "glass-black" , "hazard-black", "none-black-wired" , "blank-black-wired" , "parchment-black-wired" , "blackboard-black-wired" , "glass-black-wired" , "hazard-black-wired"]
    "names" : [
          [ "none-gold"  , "blank-gold"  , "parchment-gold"  , "blackboard-gold"  , "glass-gold"  , "hazard-gold" ,"transparent-gold" , "none-gold-wired"  , "blank-gold-wired"  , "parchment-gold-wired"  , "blackboard-gold-wired"  , "glass-gold-wired"  , "hazard-gold-wired"  ,"transparent-gold-wired"],
          [ "none-wood"  , "blank-wood"  , "parchment-wood"  , "blackboard-wood"  , "glass-wood"  , "hazard-wood" ,"transparent-wood" , "none-wood-wired"  , "blank-wood-wired"  , "parchment-wood-wired"  , "blackboard-wood-wired"  , "glass-wood-wired"  , "hazard-wood-wired"  ,"transparent-wood-wired"],
          [ "none-grey"  , "blank-grey"  , "parchment-grey"  , "blackboard-grey"  , "glass-grey"  , "hazard-grey" ,"transparent-grey" , "none-grey-wired"  , "blank-grey-wired"  , "parchment-grey-wired"  , "blackboard-grey-wired"  , "glass-grey-wired"  , "hazard-grey-wired"  ,"transparent-grey-wired"],
          [ "none-white" , "blank-white" , "parchment-white" , "blackboard-white" , "glass-white" , "hazard-white","transparent-white", "none-white-wired" , "blank-white-wired" , "parchment-white-wired" , "blackboard-white-wired" , "glass-white-wired" , "hazard-white-wired" ,"transparent-white-wired"],
          [ "none-black" , "blank-black" , "parchment-black" , "blackboard-black" , "glass-black" , "hazard-black","transparent-black", "none-black-wired" , "blank-black-wired" , "parchment-black-wired" , "blackboard-black-wired" , "glass-black-wired" , "hazard-black-wired" ,"transparent-black-wired"],
         [ "none-transparent","blank-transparent","parchment-transparent","blackboard-transparent","glass-transparent","hazard-transparent","transparent-transparent","none-transparent-wired","blank-transparent-wired","parchment-transparent-wired","blackboard-transparent-wired",glass-transparent-wired","hazard-transparent-wired","transparent-transparent-wired"]
    Thus adding one value at a time seems like a horror show with 6 * 14 values to insert into 6 arrays.

    The reason for this is because I am trying to add transparent signs, even though I haven't a clue if this would work as I can not find the frame sprite.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2016
  19. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time


    This site is quite helpful when you don't know how to set up a patch. Base code in one text box, and how you want the code to look in the other, and it will generate the patch for you.
  20. PerfyNormal

    PerfyNormal Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Thank you, I was there before but I did not understand what it was for.
    I'll make great use out of this tool, appreciate the help Lazarus :)

    When I change the sign texture and adjust the various configuration files, the signs to turn transparent but that goes for ALL types of signs for some reason. It seems that no matter what minor change I make to the images results in the images being transparent.

    Do I need to use image JSON patching instead?
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2016

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