Barn Bug

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Plutao, May 17, 2018.

  1. Plutao

    Plutao Space Hobo

    I'm playing with some friends. One day, the host closed the barn door shortly after I opened it in the morning.

    Then the animals stopped coming out. They do not leave at all, even with all the right conditions.

    As the construction demolition options are disabled, I'm permanently screwd with a barn that does not work.
    • Zalkyria

      Zalkyria Existential Complex

      If you or your friends are the host, can load up the save under singleplayer and destory it that way.
        Plutao likes this.
      • Plutao

        Plutao Space Hobo

        Thanks, that worked out just fine!
          Zalkyria likes this.
        • Zalkyria

          Zalkyria Existential Complex

          Glad I helped :D

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