WIP Bakugo - A New NPC Sneak Peeks

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Arknir, Mar 18, 2019.

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  1. Arknir

    Arknir Void-Bound Voyager

    Bakugo Katsuki from My Hero Academia joins Stardew Valley as a new NPC. He lives at the Blacksmith with Clint in exchange for smelting his ores with his explosion quirk. Brand new marriageable candidate. Bakugo is a pro hero that is searching for a way back to his world. His attitude improves as the farmer becomes friends with him.

    Here's a sneak peek of my upcoming mod!

    2-Heart Event:

    6-Heart Event:

    *Looking for an artist to redesign better in-game portraits! (Preferably 256x256 pixels per frame for more detail!) Let me know if you're interested. Here is his current in-game portrait to be used as reference!
    BakugoPortraits.png LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! THANKS!
      Last edited: Mar 18, 2019
    • Coolwyngs

      Coolwyngs Giant Laser Beams

      Looks so cool.
        FruitySillyEgg and Arknir like this.
      • nerina

        nerina Master Chief

        oh wow... now i kinda wish a new form of npc from boku no hero :rofl: .... Shoto todoroki ... when?
          FruitySillyEgg likes this.
        • Arknir

          Arknir Void-Bound Voyager

          Everything should be done in maybe a month? I still need to come up with remaining heart events, so stay tuned! I never really thought about it before, but Todoroki would easily be able to replace Bakugo, especially with his quirk animation. Too much work though ;(
            FruitySillyEgg likes this.
          • nerina

            nerina Master Chief

            awh i wish i could help :X but i dont do good in any >_> design or coding. I like Bakugo too :) so I can't wait.
              FruitySillyEgg and Arknir like this.
            • dtfygjhk

              dtfygjhk Orbital Explorer

              Hello, I'm a professional artist willing to help ^^ Is this project still ongoing?
                FruitySillyEgg likes this.
              • Iris Blanche

                Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

                Please note the dates when replying to a topic. The user hasn't been online since July 2019 and the last reply on this topic was in March 2019. Necroposting is only allowed if you stay on-topic AND if the the topic is still relevant according to our forum rules.

                I'm locking the topic.
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