Presenting the Baiter: Baiters lurk in dugout hollows in grassy fields. Their camouflage allows them to stay hidden until unsuspecting prey are lured by their protuberances. How such a creature evolved a cute bunny-like and flower-like structure on their back is a mystery. Piles of undigested bones are usually a sign a Baiter is in the area.
man this is amazing it looks like the dev team accualy made it and it should win and you should redo this panda for them cause yours are awesome (loud clapping in background )
Nice pixel work you have there, good job. I like the idea it fakes a natural landscape on its back with a bunny bait and everything.
Wow, this looks realy nice! I love the idea behind it to, fighting this would be realy cool because you wouldnt expect it if your running over grass fields. btw: Your a very good spriter, keep up the good work!
Thanks guys! *proud* I did try very intentionally to make it look like it already belonged in the game, was suitably alien, and definitely a little weird. And it just pooped the skull out. Should have put a little laser gun there too...
Even if you don't win the contest, they should make a monster like this. The design looks really good as well.
Seems really cool! Both the picture and the concept itself. Monsters that disguise themselves like that are usually pretty interesting.