Hello everyone! I'm relatively new here so I figured I would say whats up? I've never even used a forum before so we'll have to see how this goes though I'm always down to chat! Also Blep!
Hello and welcome to the forums. Since you're new you should check out https://community.playstarbound.com/help. It has useful information you might not otherwise know.
I read over that alittle bit yesterday, I do thank you though because I couldn't find it after I logged off yesterday.
Your name seems latin but I dont recognize niphim nor victara :O in any case, you are welcome feathery-person ^^
Haha well i don't believe it is, Niphim is my characters name and "Das Victara" is the ship he was born on. ((slight mass effect nerd))
Hi, I am new here, well, I like to play game and have a interest to explore more in every field. Are you guys interested in playing game?