RELEASED Automate *

Connect machines and chests to automate them.

  1. Pathoschild

    Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

    @MartyMan Thanks for the suggestion! I do want to support a balanced option in the future, and I'll definitely keep that in mind as a possible approach. :)
    • copperhamster

      copperhamster Void-Bound Voyager

      Very minor note, since updating to the latest SMAPI (1.13.1 I think?) I've been seeing things that finished 'off screen' not get pulled into chests, though the next 10 minute tick gets handled. It doesn't seem to affect repeated cycles, just ones that just ended. Looking forward to byzantine mega-machines once you get everything written and tested. Nothing out of the ordinary in the logs.
      • Firmite

        Firmite Void-Bound Voyager

        The mod suddenly stopped working for me just now. It was working fantastically until all of a sudden, it stopped. This happened during a playsession, not after booting up the game. I tried rebooting, reinstalling the mod, updating SMAPI (v 1.13) and still not working :/
        Start of error message: [ERROR SMAPI] A mod failed handling the TimeEvents.TimeOfDayChanged event: System.NullReferenceException: Object not set to an instance of an object. [Continues for a while]
          Last edited: May 23, 2017
        • Pathoschild

          Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

          Attached Files:

        • copperhamster

          copperhamster Void-Bound Voyager

          I'll try on mine, but they issue is very inconsistent for me (once every 2-3 game days maybe) and I've looked at the saved logs for the times and see nothing, under the current version. And it is also very minor impact in my case. But I'll put the 1.4 in tonight and see what I see.
          (The only errors in my logs after game load's ton of deprecated feature warnings are associated with another mod)
          • Firmite

            Firmite Void-Bound Voyager

          • copperhamster

            copperhamster Void-Bound Voyager

            I have not seen a 'hanging' item since using the update, but I also have not seen it since the last time I posted... (Also no problems in the prerelease either).
            Since it isn't an official release I'm rolling back since the problem was a minor issue.
            • Davatorey

              Davatorey Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              I got the same issue. You may have one of your setup that went berserk. Look at the log, it will tell you what item is causing the problem. So you might not be able to locate which setup is having issues, but at least you have a lead. I had it with a recycling bin, that didn't want to take a piece of "trash" from the neighbor chest. This was preventing other automatic machines to work and even bugged the time display. I simply fixed this by destroying every bins in each setup and replace them to "refresh" the records in the mod.
              • Pathoschild

                Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                Automate 1.4 is now available!

                Changes in this release:
                • Updated to SMAPI 1.14.
                • Machines are now automated once per second, instead of once per in-game clock change.
                • ShyGuySpirit

                  ShyGuySpirit Intergalactic Tourist

                  This is what I would like. A standard chest seems too powerful to be given all these great functions. Maybe a special chest when you get gathering high enough.

                  Keep up the great work.
                  • Hadu

                    Hadu Aquatic Astronaut

                    When i was using machine that turns wood into charcoal i placed machines like so [​IMG]
                    put 20 wood in chest, machine took first 10 turned into charcoal, then i got following error
                    [14:39:08 ERROR Automate] Something went wrong processing machines:
                    System.NullReferenceException: The object reference does not point to an instance of the object.
                       in Pathoschild.Stardew.Automate.Framework.Extensions.<>c__DisplayClass3_0.<TryGetIngredient>b__0(ITrackedStack item) in D:\source\_Stardew\Pathoschild.StardewMods\Automate\Framework\Extensions.cs:line 83
                       in Pathoschild.Stardew.Automate.Framework.Extensions.<GetItems>d__1.MoveNext() in D:\source\_Stardew\Pathoschild.StardewMods\Automate\Framework\Extensions.cs:line 45
                       in System.Linq.Enumerable.<TakeWhileIterator>d__26`1.MoveNext()
                       in System.Linq.Buffer`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 source)
                       in System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
                       in Pathoschild.Stardew.Automate.Framework.Extensions.TryGetIngredient(IPipe[] pipes, Func`2 predicate, Int32 count, Requirement& requirement) in D:\source\_Stardew\Pathoschild.StardewMods\Automate\Framework\Extensions.cs:line 60
                       in Pathoschild.Stardew.Automate.Framework.Extensions.TryGetIngredient(IPipe[] pipes, Int32 itemID, Int32 count, Requirement& requirement) in D:\source\_Stardew\Pathoschild.StardewMods\Automate\Framework\Extensions.cs:line 83
                       in Pathoschild.Stardew.Automate.Machines.Objects.FurnaceMachine.TryPull(IPipe[] pipes) in D:\source\_Stardew\Pathoschild.StardewMods\Automate\Machines\Objects\FurnaceMachine.cs:line 53
                       in Pathoschild.Stardew.Automate.Machines.Objects.FurnaceMachine.Pull(IPipe[] pipes) in D:\source\_Stardew\Pathoschild.StardewMods\Automate\Machines\Objects\FurnaceMachine.cs:line 34
                       in Pathoschild.Stardew.Automate.AutomateMod.ProcessMachines(MachineMetadata[] machines) in D:\source\_Stardew\Pathoschild.StardewMods\Automate\AutomateMod.cs:line 140
                       in Pathoschild.Stardew.Automate.AutomateMod.GameEvents_OneSecondTick(Object sender, EventArgs e) in D:\source\_Stardew\Pathoschild.StardewMods\Automate\AutomateMod.cs:line 106
                    than after a while it stops giving error, gives this and again first 10 woods turned into charcoal, then error above, then this and it goes like that
                    [18:31:12 DEBUG FarmAutomation Mod: Item Collector] Starting search for connected locations at Farm
                    i have latest version of smapi and mod, machine gives this errors everytime after first use.
                      Last edited: Jun 8, 2017
                    • Pathoschild

                      Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                      Hi @Hadu. Does the error still happen if you remove FarmAutomation.ItemCollector? You probably shouldn't use both machine automation mods together.
                      • Hadu

                        Hadu Aquatic Astronaut

                        After i removed FarmAutomation it works perfect, thank you <3, but i really loved that you can connect machines using wood path in that mod, is something like this coming to this mod?
                        • Pathoschild

                          Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                          @Hadu Yep, I'm planning something for Automate that's similar but more flexible; see this comment for details. Note that there's no timeline for that feature though; if you need it now, you should use FarmAutomation.ItemCollector instead. :)
                            Hadu likes this.
                          • Archerman

                            Archerman Space Spelunker

                            I'm still having hadu's problem and I removed farmautomation. It spams the console with a different message and talks about pipes, framework and out-of-bounds exception. I posted my error log on the Nexus (bug report I called it). no chests are working anymore. I tried redownloading the game and removing automation. but its still broken. I fear it's the save that has corrupt data D:

                            Edit: I fixed it! I only had to remove EVERY items that were ready to be taken out by a chest and remove many of them just to be sure. after having no exceptions caused by a chest, the mod proceeded to work normally! :D
                              Last edited: Jun 11, 2017
                            • Echemenon

                              Echemenon Big Damn Hero

                              The game now offers a lot of custom chest colors, Is it possible to simply link chests of the same color so that they share the same inventory?
                              • Pathoschild

                                Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                                @Echemenon It's possible, but that's out of scope for this mod. :)
                                • solomoncrow

                                  solomoncrow Space Hobo

                                  problem fixed thank you.
                                    Last edited: Jul 5, 2017
                                  • Xuomi

                                    Xuomi Phantasmal Quasar

                                    Just to be sure, you have coal in the same chest with the copper ore correct?
                                    • solomoncrow

                                      solomoncrow Space Hobo

                                      I swear it always humors me anytime I play a new game and have some issue with mods or whatever, I do a bunch of research trying to find the solution and its always the most simple solution :rofl: I feel so goofy now.

                                      Thanks I appreciate the help!

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