1.3.0 can not run version 1.2.27bete SMAPI does not have an exception prompt, it just does not work. As well as my SMAPI has been prompted “ [18:41:51 DEBUG AutoGate 1.0] {X:37 Y:26} [18:41:51 DEBUG AutoGate 1.0] {X: 37 Y:26} ” *Translation from Google translation
Hello @Sherlock. This forum thread is about the Automate mod. You can ask for help with AutoGate in the How to fix mods broken in Stardew Valley 1.2 thread. If your problem is with Automate (not AutoGate), can you attach your latest SMAPI log?
Check out my new flavored honey array! (Please excuse farmer Belle, she's a little tired from grinding for coal all winter to make the beehives.)
So, I have everything up to date, but...in my setup: cheese Press <-> chest<->Caskx6 The first cask is fed, the others are not. It's only using the first cask, but upon reading the docs, I should be able to chain 6?
@ChefEff You may be thinking of FarmAutomation.ItemCollector, which chains machines of the same type together. Automate doesn't currently do that.
But, on your own documentation, it states... Put your milk into the chest. The milk is turned into cheese, which is aged to iridium quality, which is stored in the chest. You can link up to six casks to the same chest to increase production. cheese press ⇄ chest (containing milk) ⇄ cask Is the documentation in error then?
That's correct, you can place six casks directly adjacent to the chest (or seven if you block access to the chest):
ahh, I see, alright then. I have them in a row. You may want to fine tune the documentation so as to be specific that they have to be looped around, instead of a straight line. Thanks. =)
Update on my bug report, since the automate update for 1.2 I have not seen that problem of things not getting picked up from machines.
Love this mod! Makes smelting so much easier being able to just drop the materials in a chest and forget about it. Quick question though, what are the plans for the transport pipes? I want to try to set up an automated vineyard, so 1 chest leading to a bunch of kegs using pipes would be ideal. Thanks so much for this mod!
I can't wait to see what you do with your pipe automation. Is it going to be something like a floor tile which things must rest on, or is it more like a solid object which extends the adjacency to anything adjacent to a pipe?
@Nistegord @ShneekeyTheLost: there's a ticket for transport pipes if you want to read about the technical implementation, but here's the very first mockup of the idea: First, you'd set up some machines. Then you'd open the Automate overlay to set up advanced automation. Note how everything is faded except for the machines which can be automated. You'd select the machines you want to group together. All machines within a group are automatically linked to the same inputs & outputs, and you can give each group a custom label. And then you'd just pipe your inputs and outputs together. You could click those scrolls to set pipe options (e.g. only let certain qualities through) or view stats. The overlay is meant for more advanced scenarios. The existing behaviour (chests auto-link to adjacent machines) would continue to work fine, and would show up as a group in the overlay automatically. This is a very early mockup; feedback is welcome if you think it should work a different way.
This does look absolutely amazing! What is the ETA for a beta version of this I would love to give it a try!
There's no solid ETA (it depends how much time other projects like SMAPI take), but each upcoming update will add another piece of it.
I've been waiting for this kind of implementation, Pathos, considering I've got like rows of Beehouse that I just want to connect to one chest instead of having to put a chest for every 3x3 tiles.
Is it possible that you could add a unique craftable chest for this mod? It could be more balanced for how useful it is with a costlier crafting recipe than just wood