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Server Help Auto-download mods from server to the client?

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by DarkOS, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. DarkOS

    DarkOS Big Damn Hero

    Is there any way to automatically download installed server mods to the client when they connect? Such as if I install a new race on the server i would like to push that to the people who connect? Just a thought...

  2. It's coming

    Mod support
    ..We’re not far away from also implementing a system for servers to share these pak files with clients on connect. This will allow mod authors and server admins to entirely overhaul the vanilla starbound experience for the players on their server.

  3. DarkOS

    DarkOS Big Damn Hero

    and thanks for that
  4. pandee

    pandee Big Damn Hero

    Its been a few months since then.. has there been any progress?
  5. SweFox

    SweFox Guest

  6. Disco2

    Disco2 Existential Complex

    Not that I know of.
  7. pandee

    pandee Big Damn Hero

    Thanks for the update
  8. mikeloeven

    mikeloeven Big Damn Hero

    I think whats needed is a mod manager that allows mods to be turned on and off without relaunching the client. the last thing we want is to have single player instances effected by mods downloaded from a server but at the same time you want server connections to work automatically.

    the best way to do this would be to load mods based on a profile either user set or from metadata downloaded from the server when creating or loading a character rather than at game launch
  9. Cobalt Lightning

    Cobalt Lightning Existential Complex

    As stated by others, forcing mods onto clients is soon. Also stated, not soon enough.

    When it comes in, it will be in one of the really big game-chaning updates, and you know all the big servers will be fighting like soccer moms on black friday just to get the hottest toy.
  10. mikeloeven

    mikeloeven Big Damn Hero

    the problem with your comment is the use of the word "Forcing" which was the reason for my initial post. there needs to be a way to segregate mod profiles between different servers while allowing single player to remain the user set mod profile.

    simply downloading mods on demand will cause many issues and crashes unless there is a profiling system specify which mod files are and are not supposed to be loaded per character / sever
  11. Cobalt Lightning

    Cobalt Lightning Existential Complex

    There is literally no better word for that very situation. FPS games have been doing it for YEARS: Random TF2 server 'forces' you to download and hear Quake announcer, or another random TF2 server with a juggernaut game mode 'forces' you to download and play the same game mode.

    It's 'forced' for the convenience of not having to do it manually.
  12. Josheru

    Josheru Void-Bound Voyager

    It's been a while since last asked: is there an update on when this feature is being implemented?
  13. se7en

    se7en Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    it's been a loooong while since author asked but im as interested as he was (or still is lol).
    Any progress so far on that ? :>
  14. Zer0Th3Fall3n

    Zer0Th3Fall3n Big Damn Hero

    Sorry to Necro but I also want to know.
  15. Hellyos

    Hellyos Big Damn Hero

    Hi everyone !

    Sorry for this 1 year UP, but any news about this feature ? I can't find anything about this on internet and I would like such a feature like this for my server ! I have some lazy friends ^^"
    Thank's for your answers :nurutease:

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