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Artifact of Change

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Noblez Vayn, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. Noblez Vayn

    Noblez Vayn Space Hobo

    think I this could be one of the most fun things to make a run with. The idea is very simple:

    Whenever you go from one stage to another you get a new random character on the same level the previous one were. I don't think this needs examples, but here we go:

    You jut finished the first stage with the Acrid. You beat the boss and went to stage two.
    Now you have the same items, same level and same drones, but you're the Huntress.

    Any ideas on this?
      Last edited: Aug 19, 2014
      Ikazu-san, LethalShade and mageblood like this.
    • mageblood

      mageblood Big Damn Hero

      I actually like this idea. Would make the game more interesting and challenging (assuming it gives the player a character they aren't too good with). Better pray to those RNG gods and sacrifice your neighbor.
      • Active Link

        Active Link Master Astronaut

        I think an artifact that randomizes your items (within their tier) would be cool too. Imagine using this and that at the same time.
          Noblez Vayn likes this.
        • Noblez Vayn

          Noblez Vayn Space Hobo

          The runs would be so much fun. And it wouldn't be broken at all, there is just no way to abuse this.

          Randomizing the characters seems easy enough, can't say the same about the items tho. (But it seems doable)

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