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Outdated Argonian Race v0.4d - ENRAGED KOALA

Fans of Elder Scrolls and lizards take to the stars!

  1. Sabboth

    Sabboth Zero Gravity Genie

    They changed it again? Augh. Thanks for posting this, and I really appreciate that you even fixed the code up. I didn't even realize! I'll get it updated tonight.
  2. Xordaii

    Xordaii Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ha! Someone already reported the error. I came to mention the above said comma, but it's already noted.

    I do want to mention I love your lizard race over the others out there, even if it is from a diff game. I like my games to stay separate, but your lizard sprites knock the others for a loop. Thank you for them! I love how you wrote the starter quests to mention where they were from, but no other details about the race got intrusive into the main game. Looking forward to playing her more and seeing where it goes. Great job!
  3. Superloofs

    Superloofs Yeah, You!

    Is there a way to get it just as a as a .zip file? My computer is refusing to convert it.
  4. mrbloodwolf

    mrbloodwolf Space Hobo

    okay, first, when i start the game, the race is off to the side, but not accessible. Second, If its not to much trouble, could be be seeing a khajiit race?
  5. Neurivita

    Neurivita Orbital Explorer

    Will you ever use a standalone or alternative custom race implementation for your mod? The Extender that is currently required is unable to be updated (so says mod creator) and for most people, it's unable to work. Even with the deletion of Image.Cache & Changing "Furious" to "Enraged".

    It just saddens me that this (and other mods) rely on Xan's Character Extension mod seemingly exclusively (Not that I fault Xan, it clearly isn't his intention to make it not work), because with it on the fritz, there is no way I can experience this gorgeous mod! :(
  6. Neurivita

    Neurivita Orbital Explorer

    Okay, so on March 18th (or was it the 19th...?) when Starbound updated, MAGICALLY Xan's Character Extension mod decided to work for everyone without -any- file editing. I'm curious about that, but anyway..

    I still hold to my question, should anything take place in the future. I'm not saying 'break away form this guy's mod', but perhaps entertain the thought of an alternative so people don't get left in the dark when/if Xan's mod has hiccups he's unable to fix?

    Otherwise, I've tried this race mod finally and it works lovely-like, thanks a ton for taking the time to polish this like you have! Yay for Argonians! :D
  7. LordRandom

    LordRandom Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    someone stole your sprites
  8. Zuvaii

    Zuvaii Heliosphere

    Which mod is the one using the sprites?
  9. LordRandom

    LordRandom Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  10. Zuvaii

    Zuvaii Heliosphere

  11. Zenithcore

    Zenithcore Void-Bound Voyager

    Will the Argonian furniture be interactable in a later update? Like will I be able to use the beds and chairs and such, cause all i can do is look at them o. o Also, will this be getting the directional weapons added? Things like directional spears and short swords?
  12. fernworrier

    fernworrier Giant Laser Beams

    so am i the only one who name a female argonian named lifts-her-tail from a set of book from the elderscrolls? also how hard would it be to make something like a shrine to sithis? bty i found an bird village(will edit when i remember there name) one of them goes on talking about kotx being beaten by sithis then finishes with hail sithis, made my day right there
  13. Rider91

    Rider91 Void-Bound Voyager

    i go the Enraged koala version update 8 - i keep getting the error msg expecting furious koala version, anything i can do to make this mod compatible with mine?
  14. Callak

    Callak Void-Bound Voyager

    Hmm I notice that the hunting knife is aim-able, which is generic to the game, but none of the argonian craft-able weapons seem to be aim-able. I know aim-able melee weapons are a new feature to the game, so seeing as this is my favorite race to play, I hope an update is coming soon to implement them. I would also like to see some higher tier armors for argonians.
    Zenithcore likes this.
  15. DmineLP

    DmineLP Orbital Explorer

    i am only say THIS RACE IS AMAZING!

    i love this very nice looking Race but..
    i hope that the other tier armors come as fast as able i cant await it

    In wich update do you add the next tier armor? :D
  16. Callak

    Callak Void-Bound Voyager

    Well I'm not sure what's going on with the updates on this mod, but I got tired of waiting for aim-able weapons for argonians, so I made the modifications myself. Would it be considered against the rules if I linked the modifications here for others? Maybe Sabboth can make use of them too whenever he gets back.
    Zenithcore likes this.
  17. Zenithcore

    Zenithcore Void-Bound Voyager

    I myself would really like to have directional/aimable weapons for this mod, Its kinda whats holding me back from playing this mod atm.
  18. Callak

    Callak Void-Bound Voyager

    Well here is what I got, replace the /Starbound/mods/Sabboth_Argonian_Race/items/swords folder with the contents of this zip file- https://www.dropbox.com/s/dau529p0oxrg2f4/swords.zip You will have to re-craft the weapons before they will aim, your old ones won't update automatically. Let me know if you have any problems.
  19. Zenithcore

    Zenithcore Void-Bound Voyager

    Thanks dude, ill try it out in the morning, i gots ta sleep for now :D
  20. Zenithcore

    Zenithcore Void-Bound Voyager

    I gave it a bit of a test run and tried a few weapons and they infact have aimable attacks now. Great job :D the only thing we need now is sound for spear attacks. I dont know why you cant here them when you use em.

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