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Outdated Argonian Race v0.4d - ENRAGED KOALA

Fans of Elder Scrolls and lizards take to the stars!

  1. Sabboth

    Sabboth Zero Gravity Genie

    Okay Etherdreamer, here's what you can do to fix your mod until the original author updates his mod. Download this zip:


    Then go to your industrialization Starbound edition mod folder and delete the quests folder that's inside.

    In the zip folder that you just downloaded, drop the quests folder that's inside into the mods folder and replace where the old quests folder used to be.

    After that's done, the mod should work normally with the Felins and the Argonians.
  2. Etherdreamer

    Etherdreamer Phantasmal Quasar

    @Sabboth Thanks ! a happy new year!
  3. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    No they don't ;)
    Sabboth likes this.
  4. Zacrriel

    Zacrriel Space Hobo

    why i dont see this species on the screen?
  5. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Do you have an extender? Without one there won't be any room for the species...
    Sabboth likes this.
  6. Zacrriel

    Zacrriel Space Hobo

    yes i have
  7. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Then you should be able to see a button to select this species when you create a new character. Unless you ran out.
    Sabboth likes this.
  8. Sabboth

    Sabboth Zero Gravity Genie

    Sabboth updated Argonian Race with a new update entry:

    Respawn Animation update!

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. NeoCat

    NeoCat Void-Bound Voyager

    I updated to the latest version and the new Re spawn animation is working perfectly. However the tier 2 armor and weapons are not available to be crafted. instead i see the Glitch Tier 2's
  10. Sabboth

    Sabboth Zero Gravity Genie

    Hm, that's strange. We're working on the next update so I'll look into it and fix that as soon as possible, but I feel like it shouldn't be an issue since you're the first to report it and there are youtube users that have videos of themselves using the latest update without problems. Either way, I'll look into it for you. Thanks for letting me know!
  11. NeoCat

    NeoCat Void-Bound Voyager

    Perhaps i didn't update the mod properly. I've tried overwriting the old files with all the new ones, I've also completely deleted the old mod folder and replaced it with the new one. Is there any other way I can try?

    Played a bit and progressed into Durasteel. For some reason by default i have the Glitch Chest and legs and the Avian Helmet for the Durasteel tier gear. I know that the Argonian tier 3+ isn't out yet just saying that the patterns i have available are not all from the same pool. Maby that's why my tier 2 patterns are not showing up.

    The only mods I have installed is This argonian Mod and the Character list expander mod that this mod lists as a dependancy.

    Re made my caracter i now have the Tier 2 argonian weapon and armor sets.
    Guess there was just something wonky with when I updated Although im not really sure if there is any other way to update a mod.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2014
  12. OrangeBlueZ

    OrangeBlueZ Void-Bound Voyager

    Love everything you've done with this mod so far and eagerly look forward to future additions. Any plans on adding racial bonuses anytime soon? Water breathing/Poison resists would be amazing.
  13. FireWinged

    FireWinged Void-Bound Voyager

    Yes, absolutely. However, we may instead make it a sort of Argonian-specific tech. Look for it either in this next patch or the one after! (No guarantees of course, but it is something we want to get out ASAP)
  14. Sabboth

    Sabboth Zero Gravity Genie

    Sabboth updated Argonian Race with a new update entry:

    Version 0.4 Update

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. WakeTheShark

    WakeTheShark Phantasmal Quasar

    I was wondering if it's possible to have a design fix for the bandit hood to not cut off the argonian's protruding snout? It'd probably take a separate alternate hood design I'm guessing.
  16. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    *softly chuckles from his dark corner*
  17. bjorn0411

    bjorn0411 Phantasmal Quasar

    hmm, personally i think the argonian male looks better (as in it would be generally better armor) than the scaled jerk armor. i think that tier 2 and 3 should switch place. though i dont know the tiers in skyrim (or elders scrolls generally) so if this is how it is in the other games. then sure keep it. otherwise, i think you should change.

    just my opinion though!
  18. Sabboth

    Sabboth Zero Gravity Genie

    Actually, yes, I had suggested this very thing to April but wanted to see if anyone else suggested it. We just wanted to push this one out since we were really late, but the next update, I'll flip tier 2 and 3. :)
  19. bjorn0411

    bjorn0411 Phantasmal Quasar

    well im glad you listened. since it bugged me very much. i like that you read through these posts. i would love to help with the lore writing (aka the codex) as i am quite the good writer (as you can see here)... or well so i think. but i dont have much info on the lore of the argonians. though the codex is mostly about individuals. so i dont really need much info, and the bit i need i can probably find on some wiki or something.

    anyways if you want help i am willing to do so!
  20. Sabboth

    Sabboth Zero Gravity Genie

    Thanks! I love reading comments, this is really the first public project I've ever done that's had any large amount of people using and looking forward to, so I'm not entirely burnt out yet! :) And thanks for the offer on lore, but we have that covered. April and I have a history (April especially) of story telling and writing, plus I myself have been reading and learning the lore of Argonians for years now (Started playing with Morrowind and worked my way back to Arena). There's a lot of stuff that can be missed, if just using a wiki, that would need some study and/or reading of texts in TES games. Argonians are avid lore keepers, historians, and story tellers due to their strong desire of keeping tradition. This will strongly influence the writing style of their codex since it will contain a lot of references to their past, their beliefs, the Hist, and other various Tamrielic lore before they were flung into space. April and I will keep it all under our wing for the sake of consistency and coordination.

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