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Outdated Argonian Race v0.4d - ENRAGED KOALA

Fans of Elder Scrolls and lizards take to the stars!

  1. Sabboth

    Sabboth Zero Gravity Genie

    I just cleared this up with BloodMonster in a PM and I found out that it's an issue with Ahmi's elf race mod not using merge for their quest.config and codex.config and overwriting the changes that mine make. The reason why it doesn't generate a ship file is because the Argonian doesn't get a chance to even enter the world and generate one because it can't find it's starter quest, due to the elf race replacing it and causing it to not exist. I will get in contact with Ahmi to see if they can do a quick update. In the meantime, you can either make edits to the elf races quest.config and codex.config yourself or remove the elf race mod and wait for Ahmi to update it.
    FireWinged and Kawa like this.
  2. Zakail

    Zakail Phantasmal Quasar

    I just tried starting new Felin and Argonian characters with the Elf mod removed and suffered the same issue. :<

    EDIT: I think I've found the problem. The Kangaru mod seems to also be causing this problem. Removing that allowed me to make an Argonian and a Felin just fine. Seems the Elves and Kangaru need to be updated to play nice with everyone else.

    EDIT 2: Looks like his most recent update fixed the issue :D
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2013
  3. Sabboth

    Sabboth Zero Gravity Genie

    I'll look and see if Espilonarge fixed his Kangaru race as well. :)
  4. Trauron

    Trauron Space Hobo

    Even with the codex and quest configs on my side adjusted for merging, I still cannot get both Kangaru and Argonians to work at the same time. It looks like I will just have to wait for an update for them to finally be compatible with each other. Big fan of your mod by the way.
  5. Ryuusei

    Ryuusei Void-Bound Voyager

    Do you have any other mods besides the aforementioned race mods? I was having this issue until I noticed the Fuels Plus mod hasn't properly formatted its own quest.config file for the latest update. I temporarily deleted its quest.config and sure enough, I can get into the game.
    FireWinged likes this.
  6. Camera

    Camera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    How long does it take for you to make a set of armor/clothes?
  7. Sabboth

    Sabboth Zero Gravity Genie

    It can take a few hours just for doing the spriting, but first we plan what we want first, along with adding other features. Making the five sets of armor and clothes in the last update took a couple days to do between work and other obligations.
  8. Camera

    Camera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ah, that's what I've been experiencing.
  9. FireWinged

    FireWinged Void-Bound Voyager

    I think my personal record was between sixty and ninety minutes on the Guard clothes. I got through the torso and arms in about thirty minutes and got the pants done somewhere around forty-five or so. Depends on the level of detail and how... "in the zone" you are. :p Good luck!
  10. KaelemGaen

    KaelemGaen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I noticed there is a broken recipe at the Yarn Spinner in this. the recipe is "Coal, Leather and Raw Alien meat."

    Upon more inspection it seems to be the recipe for "Horn Polish"
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2013
  11. Sabboth

    Sabboth Zero Gravity Genie

    I noticed that while working on my next update, it's supposed to be "Argonian Horn Polish" just a simple way to show your horns off without having to get a different mod. It'll be fixed in the next update.
  12. Maskrising

    Maskrising Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Is this mod multiplier compatible?
  13. Sabboth

    Sabboth Zero Gravity Genie

    No, most mods aren't in the sense you're probably wanting. Technically all mods can be used in multiplayer but the server needs to have them installed and up to date, along with all the players connecting. In the future, the devs are adding mod syncing between players and servers, and that's when playing with mods in multiplayer will become more common.
  14. Yyaabbrr0

    Yyaabbrr0 Big Damn Hero

    I will keep coming back for this mod i played about 5 mins of oblivian so the whole elder scrolls refernce is lost on me but DRAGONS!!! AND THAT TAIL AGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!! IT DRIVES ME INSANE!!! keep it the f***k up man i need this mod and couppled with the invisible armor mod (so i can have goon armor on but still look naked) ahhhhhhhh *jizz*
    Ps. can i suggest one thing a custom regen animation somthing akin to the avins with a larger egg perhaps would be AWSOME!
  15. Camera

    Camera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Another question, did you bother making climbing sprites, since ladders aren't really ingame yet I figured it'd be done later.
  16. Sabboth

    Sabboth Zero Gravity Genie

    I didn't make any climbing animations, I think the devs decided that they would scrap climbing ladders. If you notice, some of the races, like the Floran, do not have back head sprites for their hairs and many armors. Adding climbing would require a lot of new frames being drawn, and it just generally doesn't look good in my opinion.
  17. Camera

    Camera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ah, and what about horns being "scrunched" down when wearing small things like hoods? Did you find a way to override that?
  18. Bucketlamp

    Bucketlamp Giant Laser Beams

    I demand you make (or let me make) a maid outfit.
  19. FireWinged

    FireWinged Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm not sure where he went, but I'm pretty sure I can answer this adequately.

    Unlike in Skyrim with the "Horns are forever" mod that allowed Argonian horns to show through helmets, hoods and hats, (a moderately simple model mod), even if we could achieve a visually desirable outcome, there would have to be additional code written that may or may not even be read in the end to tell the game to layer separate hair images that we would have to make ourselves over the helmet. At the moment, we don't think such a feat is possible, so our compromise is a nifty little item called "Argonian horn polish" that is, essentially, an invisible hat. Show off them horns!

    Haha, I suppose it had to be done sooner or later!

    I mean, what else is there to do... Christmas Eve, I'm bored and alone... SPRITESHEETS CALL!

    I'm not usually an enabler, but, well... murry crustmiss.
    Bucketlamp likes this.
  20. Bucketlamp

    Bucketlamp Giant Laser Beams

    How DARE you imply I would do something so devious to a servant of such high caliber. I just want her to polish my spear and bake my bread.

    Honestly though, I have no idea why I even like this meme, all the pictures made of it are.. disturbing.

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