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Outdated Arcane Add On 1.9.02 DROPBOX

Interesting Tiered Magic, Balanced for the Game.

  1. Seterwind

    Seterwind Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I appreciate the feedback. The avian moon Emblem is found in all Avian Temple dungeons. It is normally on the wall.

    All ingredients are decoration found while exploring.Usually in a dungeon. If you would like I can send you a cheat file so you could try out and play with the spells.

    I would appreciate feedback on what exploration items you found and which would be more suited.
  2. Cipherstar

    Cipherstar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I raided four Avian Temples though, I never found one. There must be something wrong with my files preventing it from spawning. Is it from Starbound, or this mod?
  3. Seterwind

    Seterwind Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It is a core item. Strange you are the first to complain about the second spell book. In the mod folder under magic there is a folder spell book. Open the .recipe for it and remove the item if it is not spawning.
  4. Cipherstar

    Cipherstar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ah. Thank you very much, I can use it now.

    And I have to say, I was startled as hell when I used Meteor swarm. At first it was that slow light projectile and I was like "er... k..." Then it exploded into those oversized meteors and I was like "Lol, cool". Then when I wasn't expecting it BAM, Meteors everywhere horribly violating a massive area. Made me jump, lol.
    Lots of fun to be had with this now.
  5. Seterwind

    Seterwind Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I am glad, sorry that it caused you so much headache to find things. I hope you enjoy the mod fully :D
  6. Cipherstar

    Cipherstar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Playing the shmuck out of this.

    I hope in the future there can be specialty books, full of main elements, or shortened to three larger books. Black, Red, and White. Black for pure offense, Red would be like this book already is, and White for pure healing and support.
    The latter would be easier I imagine, but the specialty would be my favorite. I'd love to play as a specialized ice mage. Especially since my favorite outfit is this: http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/frozen.1072/

    I'm a little torn though, not because of this mod, but because of the way Techs work. It's kind of a pain to have to switch to the magic tech to use the book between using Blink and Bubbles to get around. I believe I saw you mention a teleport spell. That'd be great, avoid having to switch out to use Blink. And a flight spell would be dandy. Shame there are no ice spells, but whatevs.

    Lots of fun~<3
  7. Seterwind

    Seterwind Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The only reason Ice spells do not exist is mostly due to me being terrible at GFX. If I was better I would so totally had made a couple . I think I will incorporate a fourth spell on each tier dedicated to movement. So there is a buff/heal, summon, damage and movement on each tier.
  8. Seterwind

    Seterwind Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So New Spell list looks as follows, any ideas on changes or wants?

    Level 1
    Cure Light (done)| Left
    Magic Arrow (done)| Right
    Warmth (done)| Down
    Ice Wall (Summons a wall of Ice where you click) | Up

    Level 2
    Breathe (done)| left, down
    Spark (done)| left, right
    Flare (done)| right, Up
    Double Jump (Same as Tech but last limited time) | up, down

    Level 3
    Jump (done)| up, up, down
    Fire Blast (done)| down, right
    Create Water (done)| down, up
    Summon Gale (knock backs enemies around you) | down right up

    Level 4
    Haste (done)| right, down
    Rapid Fire (done)| left, down, right
    Summon Guard (done)| left, down, up
    Air Walk (As you Jump you have platforms appear below you so you can jump across the air)| left, right, up

    Level 5
    Vigor (Buffs Protection and Damage)| right, up, left, down
    Fire Ball (done)| down, right, right
    Arcane Eye| down, left, up
    Blink (As the Tech) | left, left, right, right

    Level 6
    Regeneration (Done)| right, down, left
    Black Hole (done)| up, left, down, right
    Eternal Glow (done)|right, down, up
    Teleport To Surface (Moves the player to the Surface) | down, down, down, up

    Level 7
    Super High Jump (Done)| up,up, down, down
    Chain Lightning (Done)|down down up up right
    Protection from Enviroment (Done)| down, left, down
    Summon Ice Storm (Summons Giant Icicles down upon your enemies, and allies) | down, down, right, up

    Level 8
    Circle of Flames (Done) | up left down right up left down right
    Summon Legion (Two Gunners, Two Melee) |left, down, right, down up
    Gravity Bubble (As the tech) | up, up, left, right, down
    Heal (Done)| up,down,right,left

    Level 9
    Greater Haste (Done) | right, right, down, down
    Disintegrate (Done) | right right right right right right right right right
    Summon Star | up, left , down, right, up
    Dome (Encases you in a dome of ice giving you time to figure out what to do)| down,right,left,up,down,right,left,up

    Level 10
    Heroism (Done) | right,left,up,down
    Meteor Swarm (Done)| up up down down left right left right
    Summon Dragon (Done) | up down left right right left down up
    Fly (Lets you fly through the world)| down,down,down,down,up,up,up,up
  9. Seterwind

    Seterwind Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Seterwind updated Arcane Add On with a new update entry:

    New Damage Balance, Balanced Buffs, Persistent Spell Option and minor bug fixes.

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  10. Cipherstar

    Cipherstar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Not sure how I feel about reduced damage. The "One shotty"-ness was only really felt at higher spellbooks, and it made up for the time it took to fire a spell off. But with remembering the last cast spell, it could be even more usable than before to make up for it.

    I'll have to play with it to find out. I'm all for new spells.

    It'd be cool if you could craft Blank Books, which could be used to permanently save specific spells. Which could be used to use specifics easier, sort of like having "Mastered" the spell, it'd also let you specialize more in a specific type of magic.
  11. Seterwind

    Seterwind Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I like the blank book Idea, that is quite cool. I am working on the specializing in more specific types of magic, but that requires another rework of the base system. I will add it to my list of great ideas, and after I get the gale/black hole and new spells working see which direction I'll take the mod.
  12. fuitoni

    fuitoni Void-Bound Voyager

    Hello. I changed my "isPersistent" from 0 to 1 and my magic wouldn't work at all. I kept getting is "fizzled" and was only allowed to use it every time I active the book. So when I decided to change it back from 0 to 1 and it broke my save.. I did not unistall the mod at all and my save was still effected.
  13. Seterwind

    Seterwind Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The persistent was to allow the spellbook to remember the spell, so you would still need the spellbook active (in hand) to cast the spell but it remembers the last spell cast. As for your save, have you tried deleting the mod and then reinstalling it? I had tested, as have others that you can switch between isPersistent 0 and isPersistent 1 without breaking the save.

    you may want to go to http://json.parser.online.fr/ and copy the magiTech.tech code into it, and see if you happen to delete too much and cause a syntax error.

    It should read

    "script" : "magiTech.lua",
    "actions" : [ "castSpell" ],
    "animator" : "magiTech.animation",
    "sound" : "/sfx/tech/tech_doublejump.wav",
    "isPersistent" : 0


    "script" : "magiTech.lua",
    "actions" : [ "castSpell" ],
    "animator" : "magiTech.animation",
    "sound" : "/sfx/tech/tech_doublejump.wav",
    "isPersistent" : 1
  14. Cipherstar

    Cipherstar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Really loving the persistence.
  15. Seterwind

    Seterwind Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  16. Cipherstar

    Cipherstar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That update seems unnecessary for me, so I wont download that update until the next.

    Anyway, I did this:

    Cure Light.

    Magic Arrow.


    ←, ↓.
    ←, →.
    ↑, ↓.
    Fire blast.
    ↓, →.
    Create Water.
    ↓, ↑.
    →, ↓.
    Rapid Fire.
    ←, ↓, →.
    Summon Guard.
    ←, ↓, ↑.
    →, ↑, ←, ↓.
    ↓, →, →.
    Arcane Eye.
    ↓, ←, ↑.
    →, ↓, ←.
    Black Hole.
    ↑, ←, ↓, →.
    Eternal Glow.
    →, ↓, ↑.
    Super High Jump.
    ↑, ↓, ↓.
    Chain Lightning.
    ↓, ↓, ↑, ↑, →.
    Protection from Environment.
    ↓, ←, ↓.
    Circle of Flames.
    ↑, . ←, ↓, →, ↑, ←, ↓, →.
    Summon greater Guard.
    ←, ↓, →, ↓, ↑.
    Greater Haste.
    →, →, ↓, ↓.
    →, →, →, →, →, →, →, →, →.
    (→ x9)
    Summon Star.
    ↑, ←, ↓, →, ↑.
    ↑, ↓, →, ←.
    Meteor Swarm.
    ↑, ↑, ↓, ↓, ←, →, ←, →.
    Summon Dragon.
    ↑, ↓, ←, →, →, ←, ↓, ↑.

    I skipped Heroism since I couldn't tell if it actually did anything when I used it.
    But yea. It makes it a lot easier to view the spells as I play, by shrinking the window horizontally enough that I can have these up in the window behind it off to the side in view while playing.
    Sharing for others.
    jura7 likes this.
  17. Seterwind

    Seterwind Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Mind if I steal this for the front page? Also heroism puts a little status buff symbol showing it's active. It's effects are numerous. But mostly defense, and lots of it.
  18. Cipherstar

    Cipherstar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    o-0, I never got the buff symbol. Oh well.

    Sure, of course. Go ahead.
  19. Seterwind

    Seterwind Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Seterwind updated Arcane Add On with a new update entry:

    New Buff Spells, Buff NPCs and Pets! New Fireball and Regeneration levels with!

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  20. ahappydude

    ahappydude Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Magic is awesome. And the line "Welcome to buff bubbles. Touch and get buff." Made me laugh haha great work seterwind

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