OOC thread here -- You and an experienced team of researchers are on their way to a planet to investigate a solar system that appears to have just appeared from nowhere, only to find yourselves hurtling towards an oceanic planet while passing through a solar system to resupply.
Mikov found himself hurtling towards an oceanic planet. He grabbed on to a bed that was rather loosely nailed to the floor.
Keagan began hurriedly stuffing things into a waterproof duffel bag as he was thrown around his quarters.
The ship hits the water at an angle, submerging half of it and causing it to sink rapidly in the water.
Keagan looks out of the window of his room and is not very happy with what he sees. He begins attempting to make it to his door.
Vox finds himself plunged underwater, and scrambles to swim to the ceiling, as the bridge steadily fills with water.
Aquari held onto a small suitcase containing lots of sensitive and bottled substances as she was thrown around the ship. As it hit the water, she's launched into a wall and thumps against it, falling onto the floor. She slowly gets up and looks out the window, assessing the situation.
Keagan finally managed to get his door open, but water was slowly rising towards his room as he sprinted toward the other end of the ship, carrying the duffel bag.
Vox hurried to swim out of one of the shattered viewports on the bridge, frantically swimming out of the ship and surfacing outside of it. He swam to a still sinking piece, climbed up, and sat down on it, panting.
Aquari quickly rushed out the door as water rose outside the window. She flung open the door as water started rushing in from it and started upwards to the nearest emergency exit, her mind a mess of panic and confusion.
Vox looked closer and saw that he appeared to be standing before an exit hatch, which someone was climbing out of.
Aquari quickly makes to to the same exit hatch that Keagan climbed out of earlier and crawls out of it, resting on the exposed hull. She looks up at Keagan, happy to have company after the previous event. "Hey there... have you seen anyone else surface around here?" she asks, her voice shaking.
At this point Vox walks out from behind the hatch, previously covered by the trapdoor, and gives a small wave.
"Vox is here?!" Aquari say in suprise, looking around for him and finding him by the exit hatch. She waves and turns back to Keagan. "I got hurled into the wall of my room pretty hard, but I should be fine. It'll only be a bruise, I hope. How about you? Any injuries?"