April 21st – [STABLE] Update Notes

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Apr 21, 2015.

  1. Corraidhín

    Corraidhín Supernova

    Ill stop making jokes... you people are very nice :p also... loving the new update so far! I lag a bit more minimized... but I lag a lot less in game so far! (nav is a bit slower tho, but whos perfect anyway) also... I found a pink lemur invader in my ship... Tamagochibound?!
  2. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Heads up: the test thing @OmnipotentEntity posted about? Half of that has been implemented on my site as well. Specifically, the "check if a key is missing or present" bit, including inversion.
    Corraidhín and The | Suit like this.
  3. Corraidhín

    Corraidhín Supernova

    Huh I wasnt aware of that... ill keep an eye on it
  4. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Specifically, the structure in this pastebin will work on the site. Omni and I came up with it together during a discussion about learnBlueprintsOnPickup, which may or may not exist depending on the object in question and earlier-loaded mods.

    It also demonstrates a proposed operation to make things like defaultBlueprints so much easier to deal with, which Omni likes, and I think meta and kyren do too, but they'd rather discuss it like the professionals they are before they add it. So that specific part of the pastebin won't work on SB just yet.

    And yes, that's a list of patches as a single file.
    Corraidhín likes this.
  5. Exsistentiam

    Exsistentiam Pangalactic Porcupine

    7 is an uneven number therefore the must be an 8th race coming.

    Also i just recently discovered that there is no cloudline of sorts so the rain wont stop no matter how high you go so it rains in space when you go high enough somewhat annoying hopefully you'll get to that chuckle.
  6. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    the 8th race was destryoed/expunged from history therefore NOT playable. =_= The plate on the gate was explicitly DESTROYED after all. There is no 8th race.
  7. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Your logic is problematic.

    But if questionable logic is the game of the day... the unplayable penguins have a reference to the very much playable felin in their data. Felin are the Eight.

    Or what Darklight said, if you prefer.
    RatixFarrence likes this.
  8. Chobin

    Chobin Phantasmal Quasar

    Alright, first up I'm gonna go ahead and say I don't really appreciate you telling me I'm cheating like I've done some shameful act. The (aka) thing makes your comment come off as incredibly snobbish. I lost the previous character when I tried unsuccessfully to remove the Your Starbound Crew mod and had to start over. Notice my ship is kind of bare bones. I used a mod to put me back to where I was and lazily gave myself 999 of the needed materials to get my armor and was chunking the rest into the refinery since pixels have almost no purpose at the moment, anyway. You'll notice I'm also kind of loaded on pixels. Decided I may as well give myself some locker space while I was at it. There we go. Beyond the bars, the lockers, and the food/bandages up there, I actually went and manually did everything I needed to get back to where I was. The mining facility, the floran party, all the annoying sidequests; everything.

    And now I'm done being sore about being called a cheater.

    Back on topic, that is an interesting theory. I'd want to check out if having other racial lockers would give me the other racial pets, but the mod I used to give me the locker only offered the Apex one or I'd have just gotten more Avian locekrs so it'd actually fit in with my ship. So I'll make another character and throw an Apex locker onto their ship and see if that changes anything. Though I had the lockers on my Avian character before the update, so that may have been an important factor. The lockers being present at the same time the update was introduced could mean I just have two pets now.
  9. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    It's the techstations. Each species' techstation spawns that species' pet, and the pets check for their techstations' existence. Killing a pet makes the techstation respawn the pet, and (somehow) removing the techstation kills the pet.
    Tamorr and RatixFarrence like this.
  10. RatixFarrence

    RatixFarrence Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thanks to the teleporters from this update I'm making major headway in my Tower project.. Thanks for the boost to all those involved.

    On another note, I kinda wish the teleporters were as configurable as the Monster Spawners, but It wont matter right now for me right now anyway.
  11. Chobin

    Chobin Phantasmal Quasar

    The techstation? That's your SAIL, right? I don't have a second techstation, though. I wouldn't have wanted one even if it was an available item from the mod I used for the lockers. How do I have a second pet, then? Unless techstation is just a broad term for the racial ship equipment, like the ship locker, SAIL, fueling station, etc.
  12. Garatgh Deloi

    Garatgh Deloi Master Astronaut

    I didnt intend to make it sound shamefull. I apologize if thats how it ended up sounding. My meaning was simply that sometimes weird stuff happens if you get things that you cant obtain in a legit way.

    However judgeing by Kawa's and your following posts this dosent seem to be the case this time.
    Chobin likes this.
  13. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

  14. Exsistentiam

    Exsistentiam Pangalactic Porcupine

    AHHHEM:proper: Good sir my logic is perfect and if anyone says otherwise i challange them to a gentlemanly duel.
  15. dwuff

    dwuff Phantasmal Quasar

    Trying my best to see if the cat walk cycle is correct, but somehow I can't figure it out. Cats move like camels and giraffes - they move both legs on one side of their body and then both legs on the other side, taking turns. I think what you have there is a normal four legged animal walking cycle such as dogs have which makes it look a little strange. Here is a slow mo video: http://cattalksite.com/cat-walking.html
    sid3aff3ct likes this.
  16. malakisi

    malakisi Void-Bound Voyager

    Thanks for the update!
  17. Garrakx

    Garrakx Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    How am I suppose to save coordinates of home planets if the game updates automatically and I can't downgrade a version?
  18. Garatgh Deloi

    Garatgh Deloi Master Astronaut

    The news post is kinda a copy paste of the content post added to unstable before (including the warning that this was comming).

    Since they originally gave the warning all the way back when this content was added to unstable (april 2) theres not much that can be done about it now after the patch has allredy been released to stable.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2015
  19. RatixFarrence

    RatixFarrence Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh I'm a dummy. I added my mod without closing the server first. No wonder I kept getting ejected from the world.
    Pay no attention to me!
    Hope everyone is enjoying the new features!
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2015
  20. As I recall, They gave us plenty of warning that the update would break home planets... like a week in advance when announcing the unstable push.
    Dunto likes this.

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