Modding Discussion Anyone know how to make rpg esc choices

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by ChucklePanda, Dec 14, 2018.

  1. ChucklePanda

    ChucklePanda Orbital Explorer

    Does anyone know how do I make npc more than,well npcs like if I interacts with them and I get coices like chat etc,like I then select random dialogue that I make and the trough that I can have a friendship meter like best friends or enemies.A well know Minecraft mod for reference called Minecraft Comes Alive is a good vision of the mod in action,and have various things like if your friendship is high enough they will auto ask for crew but if you refuse they will now give your a choice in the menu.Thanks anyone capable of helping me I am new to starbound modding and I want to learn as I go and have a complicated project and then point out errors and clean them trough time,Cya.

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