Modding Help Anyone know how to change the popup message for recruitable npcs

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by soldierfast90, May 11, 2017.

  1. soldierfast90

    soldierfast90 Pangalactic Porcupine

    So I've gotten 3 npctype files, all linked the same way the penguin mercenaries are linked. What I'm looking for is if anyone knows how to change the dialogue for the recruiting popup.

    This is my main recruitable npc, linked to the basetype (which is further linked onto a seperate crewmember npctype file).
      "type" : "ue_uscm_mercenary",
      "baseType" : "ue_uscm_elitecrew",
      "scriptConfig" : {
        "crew" : {
          "recruitInteractAction" : {
            "messageType" : "recruits.offerMercenary",
            "messageArgs" : [
              [ { "name" : "ue_dogtag", "count" : 40 } ]
    What I want to know is that what I can gather, the messagetype is obviously what message pops up. Problem is I can't really change what pops up if I don't know where to find the messagetypes in order to add it. I've just given up after half an hour of searching.

    The popup for regular quest crew is:
    I have the actual confirmation popup window code (Again, based on the penguin mercenary's one) down here:
      "paneLayout" : "/interface/windowconfig/portraitconfirmation.config:paneLayout",
      "icon" : "/interface/confirmation/confirmationicon.png",
      "title" : "Elite Soldiers for hire",
      "subtitle" : "Elite troopers to fight for you!",
      "message" : "Recruit <name> to join your crew for ^yellow;40 Dogtags^white;?^gray;\n\n^white;Job:^gray; <role>\n^white;Rank:^gray; <rank>\n^white;Status:^gray; <status>",
      "okCaption" : "Recruit",
      "cancelCaption" : "Not now",
      "images" : {
        "portrait" : []
    pls halp, I really want these crewmembers to work without ruining immersion.
  2. projectmayhem

    projectmayhem Spaceman Spiff

    i cant find anything either

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