WIP Anthro characters

Discussion in 'Characters' started by Gaveliere, Mar 14, 2016.


What would you prefer for the other NPCs?

Poll closed Apr 17, 2016.
  1. Single species for families

  2. species based on personality

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  1. Karo DingoKid

    Karo DingoKid Space Hobo

    Will there be edits for Robin Demetrius Emily and Evelyn, they are still the original sprites, or maybe that might just be me?
      Last edited: Jan 23, 2017
    • Bonabopn

      Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

      Unfortunately, the OP has disappeared from the face of the forum, and hasn't posted since May. Other people have been making patches for the remaining characters, but there are no 'official' ones. If you really want to, you should search this thread for the patches people have been making.
      • Seraphimus

        Seraphimus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        Or just flip back a page I made a post that compiled all the community patches and has instructions for installing them all correctly.
          Roskii Heiral likes this.
        • Blanchard

          Blanchard Pangalactic Porcupine

          Click here to go to the thread for the continuation of this mod.

          Hello all,

          I wanted to include the full version of this mod, with all of the character sprites and models from all of the fixes and community updates complete and working in one easy-to-install package. It should make virtually every NPC in the game, save the creepy cowboy from the intro, into anthropomorphic animals. This includes Robin, Demetrius, Emily, Evelyn, and even the Joja employees, bus driver, TV personalities and Grandpa (it's hard to notice on Grandpa, but compare his nose to the default sprite). I take no credit for creation of any portion of these mods; I simply (correctly) combined all the loose pieces together into one full package.

          Hopefully this is allowed; if any of the various mod authors object simply let me know and I'll take it down. You just have to copy the Content folder from the attached .zip file into your Stardew Valley directory, overwrite the files when prompted, and you're good to go. Everything should be working, but if anything is broken (please ensure it's not a mod conflict first) let me know and I will hopefully be able to find and fix the culprit.

          I would also like to recommend LackeDragon's anthro player character mod and FurColors mod, which is still updated and is quite good (though only Wolf, Fox and Cat are available at the moment).

          Have a nice day~

          Update 1-26-2017:
          Updated the cursors file to fix the "blood snow" users were experiencing. Many thanks to Roskii~
          Please keep reporting issues if you come across any.

          Update 4-15-2017:
          Added additional sprite fixes submitted by HYODO and ninjakaami. Thanks much~

            Attached Files:

            Last edited: Apr 18, 2017
            decker321 and Roskii Heiral like this.
          • Roskii Heiral

            Roskii Heiral Heliosphere

            Great work on collecting them all together!

            Lacke's work is amazing. I actually piggy backed off his wolf mod to make a kemonomimi -ish character based on my starbound race.

            If I can make a shameless self plug, it can be found here:
            Callistans In Stardew

            It also works pretty well with this mod, but I'm going to work on a full town conversion in the future =D
              Blanchard likes this.
            • Joshi120

              Joshi120 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              strange after installing this my falling snow particles turned red ._.
              • Roskii Heiral

                Roskii Heiral Heliosphere

                That is an unfortunate symptom of the new cursors. I may try to fix that
                • Roskii Heiral

                  Roskii Heiral Heliosphere


                  Will you test this one? I don't have a file in winter right now. Please back up your old cursors just in case.

                    Attached Files:

                    Blanchard likes this.
                  • Blanchard

                    Blanchard Pangalactic Porcupine

                    If that cursors file fixes the problem I can very easily incorporate it into the full file. If no one can confirm I'll get there myself eventually and check it; if it works I'll update the attachment on my post.
                      Roskii Heiral likes this.
                    • Joshi120

                      Joshi120 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      oi oi i was sleeping :D But to answer the question Yep! Snow is fine with the new Cursor file :3
                        Blanchard and Roskii Heiral like this.
                      • Roskii Heiral

                        Roskii Heiral Heliosphere

                        Hey guys, not sure if any of you enjoy playing as a bunny, but I did a quick new mod:

                        For the Bunnies!

                        Here's a picture of it for reference:


                        Someone requested a bunny version of the Callistan mod. I based it off the maru from this mod (because she's so awesome). Anyway, I hope you all enjoy =3
                          Blanchard likes this.
                        • thatjackal

                          thatjackal Space Hobo

                          For some absolutely bizarre reason I can NOT get Robin/Demetrius to show up as furry, not even in the combined super pack above. I'll just make it so their canon is they adopted a couple of furry kids after a car accident or something. The rest of the mod is sweet as heck. I feel it's just a version issue or something.
                          • Roskii Heiral

                            Roskii Heiral Heliosphere

                            both their sprites and models or just one?
                            • Phinfoxy

                              Phinfoxy Space Hobo

                              This is a really awesome Mod! Really well done I love it! ..
                              But.. could you update it to the 1.1? Because of it my Iridium Quality stars disapeared..
                              and there are a lot of missing shane Sprites, for example from the flower dance, just a pair of two big black legs..
                              • Blanchard

                                Blanchard Pangalactic Porcupine

                                Sprites or talking head models? I was worried that because the anthro Shane models were made before Shane was marriageable that he'd have missing models if new ones had been added in 1.1. I think that we would either need to overwrite the missing ones with existing models or find someone to make completely new pixel art, if anyone at that artistic level was willing to take a crack at it with the original mod author gone. As for the Iridium Stars I have no idea why the mod would have removed them, I haven't heard of that happening yet. Any idea Roskii?
                                • Phinfoxy

                                  Phinfoxy Space Hobo

                                  Well actually both.. Just some errors here and there.. nothing much..
                                  The only really bothering thing was the one with the iridium stars and the Icon for moving buildings was gone.. The missing sprites and head models are acutally not a big deal.. yeah it's missing.. but still..
                                  • Krystedez

                                    Krystedez Void-Bound Voyager

                                    Just thought I'd chime in and say I'm working on my version Demetrius again. Sorry for the delay about that. I'm also glad to see someone tried to combine the pack with previous mods. If I could figure out what issues were being brought upon you guys I'd do it, but for now all I can do is aesthetic changes, no code changes or file reworks for newest versions. I hope you can understand. Maybe we can all brainstorm or research what may cause the problems eventually. But for now I hope you accept my silly approach to characters like the brooding Demetrius (at least he looks brooding in human form).

                                      Blanchard and Bonabopn like this.
                                    • thatjackal

                                      thatjackal Space Hobo

                                      Both their portraits and their character sprites remain human. I've tried installing all the separate parts and fixes together but nothing works. My roommate is having the same problem and she hasn't figured it out either. It's honestly ok because they wind up being the only human couple in the town. It was just strange that it wasn't working in general.

                                      I'm also having problems with Shane's sprite specifically being a big purple box during some cutscenes, but not others. Most recently was the Flower Dance, when my date (shane) was just a rectangle. Maybe the current version of Stardew just doesn't like the mods or the fix you guys put out.

                                      Everything else is just beautiful though. I love the portraits as they change emotion and friendliness. Everyone just looks so damn good!

                                      EDIT: Oh, I just read above that the Shane problems are because his sprite was made before you could marry him. Oops. I guess that explains that then lol.
                                        Last edited: Feb 9, 2017
                                      • Roskii Heiral

                                        Roskii Heiral Heliosphere

                                        Everything works on my end. I'll need to DL your pack and see what happened. There are two files for each villager. Sounds like those four got mixed up. As for the iridium stars, that's never happened to me with this mod at any point, so it could be another mod conflicting.

                                        I'll DL your pack and go over it this weekend, hopefully we can get it all sorted.
                                          Blanchard likes this.
                                        • Blanchard

                                          Blanchard Pangalactic Porcupine

                                          I appreciate that big time Roskii, I haven't had time to scrutinize all the content in my little slice of Stardew; there's just a lot of it to go through. I'm gonna try and go through all of Shane's scenes myself and see what is borked for myself. If everything is working on your end then it could be as simple as me forgetting something in the full pack or mixing things up, which is a super easy fix.

                                          As all the bugs are ironed out we get closer and closer to a nice, accessible and complete conversion mod that is pretty fantastic in my opinion. If you pinpoint any problems on your own let me know and I'll fix the main file again~
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