Another combat tweak?

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Crimcinder, Jul 22, 2016.


Raise your hand if you want damage from bumping into monsters removed! :D

  1. *raise hand*

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  1. Crimcinder

    Crimcinder Void-Bound Voyager

    I know this is a subject that has been touched on repeatedly throughout the history of Starbound's many, many, updates. However, I just cannot find myself enjoying the way I take damage for any monsters I have encountered in 1.0 thus far. Perhaps all I need to do is wait for a mod to come out for this very issue, but I don't feel right having to install a mod to change something back to the way a lot of people were content with. Every time I see a notice about "Combat updates" and the like, I'm excited and shortly thereafter disappointed when I read that more fancy sword flinging has been added. I hope and hope to see the restoration of the mechanics where enemies actually had to hit me with an attack for me to start dying, because then I could gladly take responsibility for the failed dodge I made. But with the way things are currently I can't just have fun running past monsters, dodging swoops and charges, while I explore planets anymore. Instead I get swarmed with mobs that do no damage that literally just bump into me, staggering me back into more of the buggers and I die from the insanely high amount of damage you take when a midget onion deals from waddling into you. BEWARE THE ONIONS!!! I'm writing this post as both a rally for players that support these wishes for the return of actually skilled monsters being the source of player death and the end of magic waddle damage, and in hopes that a single developer will possibly look at this and remember the populous of players out here that are sad they can't walk outside there wooden huts anymore without fear of barely bumping into a rabbit and combusting. Thanks for reading whoever you are, cause you're pretty cool! :chucklefish:

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